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What would you be playing if GTA didn't exist?

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I would be playing games like ArmA and Red Orchestra 2. I love racing games, and I love FPS games. So I would also be playing more of Grid 2 and maybe some free to play racing games. I don't really have that much money to spend on racing games so I would probably only be playing a handful though.

What would you be playing?
I see GTA V as more than a racing game. Yes, it involves vehicles moving at a fast rate of speed, but you can also move through the world as a person. It is more of a free roam game, and that has more appeal to me than racing games (although both have their places). I would not be playing your typical lap one-two-three game. I would probably choose something like "Flatout" since I enjoy destroying my car and others' as well.
GTA is only a fraction of the games I play. I play such a wide array of games that not having GTA wouldn't even put a dent in my enjoyment. Right now I'm playing Mass Effect and Frozen Synapse, as well as Gran Turismo and Grid Autosport for the racing side of things. Very soon I'll be getting Smash Bros. Wii U, and that will keep me occupied for a long time.


New Member
I would most likely play different games. If I wanted that sandbox/free roam feeling of GTA V, I would play Just Cause or Saints Row IV. They have a very similar gameplay, you know, big maps, a lot of guns, vehicles, etc. Now, if we're talking about the driving experience, then that's a different story. I would play something like Forza Motorsport 5, Gran Turismo or Forza Horizon, because I'm not a very big fan of running people over and crashing against trees or buildings. I'd rather enjoy a less urban kind of racing game.


Active Member
It's not like GTA V is the only game that we all play. We'd be playing the same darn games that we already play alongside GTA V. What kind of question is this?


There are plenty of other games to play. NFS or Gran Turismo I play more often than GTA just because I tend to play games at shorter intervals than I used to. And GTA is quite a bit more involved than just a simple racing game.


New Member
I would be playing a different game if GTA series didn't exist. It's as simple as that. How can I play something if it doesn't exist?


I would probably be playing the games that I play right now besides GTA. That would be Grid, NFS and games like that. If it wouldn't exist then my gaming time would revolve around all the other games, I wouldn't miss GTA, because it wouldn't exist :p
More than likely, I would be playing rpg games...Since, more than likely, Saints Row wouldn't exist either, if GTA wasn't around.

Also, to anyone that didn't know, GTA spawned into the game we know to day all because of the glitch in the first one where cops would chase you relentlessly. Ahh, serendipity, you cheeky little minx!


Well, there are many games I play beside GTA. If I want to play free roam or sandbox game, I'll play Saints Row 4.


Well-Known Member
I'll probably be playing games on my backlog or I'd buy some games that I've always wanted to check out. Particularly, the Final Fantasy games on PS3 which I've always been curious about but never had the chance to play because I've been spending most of my game time on games like GTA just screwing around and not doing missions.


Saint's Row. They've done a lot to create a series all their own that's unique, over the top and fun. It's also cool that they constantly break the fourth wall and don't take themselves seriously. The series could probably use some improvements like a larger map, but they've also done a ton with the small staff they have.


New Member
Watch Dogs. I haven't actually gotten around to playing it yet, but i suppose it's the next best thing. And the whole hacking aspect makes it pretty cool.


Watchdogs, pure epicness, I can tell you that. I didn't say anything about realistic though, since it's clear that the game isn't.


Active Member
Probably Saint's Row, I find the two to be pretty close as open world games, but GTA V does have more content in my opinion.


New Member
Saint's Row would probably be my choice to go. SR3 so far has been what I've played the most from this series. So if GTA didn't exist, this would be it. It's a lot of nice fun for what is worth.


If GTA didn't exist then I could see Saints Row standing much more of a chance. They got so much crap for supposedly trying to be like them. If GTA didn't exist then I would be playing more TellTales games.


New Member
I would probably spend more time in Battlefield 4. GTA V is pretty much one of the few games I play that pertain about cars. I love playing games in general, and GTA V doesn't limit my options in terms of the games I play.


Honestly I do not know what I would be playing I really love to play this game and it is really the most fun that I have ever had playing a video game in a long time. I think thought that if the game did not exist then I would be playing Uncharted on my PS3. After GTA I think that those games are the best games on the market.