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What were your top radio stations in GTA IV?

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New Member
I had a pretty extensive list of favorites on this game. Mine were

The Beat 102.7
The Classics 101.4
The Vibe 98.8
Tuff Gong Radio
Massive B Soundsystem
San Juan Sounds

Any other stations kind of took me out of the mood


New Member
Liberty Rock Radio for sure! I loved how IV had 3 talk show radio stations too. The talk shows were actually funny unlike V where you had corny over the top humor every damn minute.


New Member
For me, it's Liberty Rock Radio (Especially the TLAD tracks, Maiden, Saxon, Thin Lizzy, Motley Crue, all perfect songs for high octane cop chases and shootouts) Vladivostok, and Tuff Gong


New Member
Mine was Liberty Rock, too, solely because the rock music suits me a lot, and those easter eggs they occassionally spoiled were absolutely fantastic. I don't know if you guys heard of them though. Just look it up on the Internet.


Active Member
I actually quite liked that Russian station that I forget the name of. A few tracks they played I really got into.


I pretty much kept it locked on Electro Choc. I love electronic dance music. I also love the talk radio and commercials in the GTA games.


New Member
My favorites were Jazz Nation Radio, The Vibe, and the talk shows. I love listening to Jazz Nation and Vibe to have some soothing background noise for any dialogue that happens inside the car. When I'm doing side quests, I prefer just Jazz and talk shows. The hosts for the talk shows are absolutely hilarious. They're the best way to pass the time and enjoy a few laughs while doing side missions.
I always love hearing the news in all the GTA games. So my favorite is the news station with the different programs and even cameos from past characters in GTA. I forgot the name, I haven't played the game in a while, but I also loved the custom radio station, which you can use to upload your own songs, because I really didn't like the songs in the default radio stations that much. I had much more fun enjoying my own favorites, and that's what made the game, especially the action sequences, more enjoyable for me.


New Member
Personal Radio for me. My own music rocked more than what I could hear on radio. Though the occasional banter it offered was welcome, although sometimes exaggerated.


Personal Radio for me. My own music rocked more than what I could hear on radio. Though the occasional banter it offered was welcome, although sometimes exaggerated.
Yes, I agree with you. It was sometimes exaggerated but not all the times. It's a unique feature and you should enjoy it. Which station is your favourite?


Since I played it in the computer, I don't really have a favorite because I was always listening to the Independent Fm, and that was made up by the tracks you choose previously.


New Member
I never really listen to the same station over and over - I search for station that plays some good music and when the song is over I either stay for next good song or switch it again. I haven't used Independent FM in GTA IV - I don't really have music on my PC anymore, it's all online streaming (Spotify, Pandora etc.) now.


New Member
Libеrty Rосk Rаdiо (еspесiаlly thе TLаD trасks, Mаidеn, Sаxоn, Thin Lizzy, Mоtlеy сruе, аll pеrfесt sоngs fоr high осtаnе соp сhаsеs аnd shооtоuts)
Vlаdivоstоk (еvеn if I саn't undеrstаnd а wоrd оf it! :p)
JNR (Gооd fоr mоrе сhill slоw/rеgulаr driving)
Tuff Gоng


Thе bеаt 102.7- rеаlly likе blоw ur mind, niсknаmе fоr аll my guns.
Libеrty rосk rаdiо
Thе vibе
Thе jоurnеy - еspесiаlly likе thе sоng thаt plаys оn thе vеry first IV trаilеr, саn't rеmеmbеr whаt it's саllеd?, but thаt sоng mаkеs rеminds mе оf thе first timе I sаw thе trаilеr.


Libеrty Rосk Rаdiо (Bоth IV аnd ЕFLС)
Viсе сity FM
Thе Jоurnеy
Rаdiо Brоkеr
Thе Vibе
Pruit Igое by Philip Glаss is my fаvоritе trасk frоm thе gаmе аftеr Sоviеt соnnесtiоn by Miсhаеl Huntеr.


Active Member
Which radio station you prefer is obviously going to depend on what genre of music you like, because all the stations are entirely different. Being into rock music myself I used to always put those on rather than the rap and hip hop or the pop and commercial stations.

Going back to what others have said, I think Rockstar and GTA was the first game to truly put any effort into this side of the game, and before we just had the usual generic background music or music only.
All the radio station are amazing in GTA IV but Radio Broker is the most favorite. It doesn't let me get bored from the game. It is a little bit irritating about the journey but remaining is fine.


New Member
I really like the talk-show type radios where they have random people callers and ask them stuff about life in general. Tuff Gong most definitely.. One of the best radios ever in GTA.

I also really liked my personal radio since I've put some songs which are in a different language, I feel as if it makes a whole new feel to the game.

The Journey, for driving in the rainy night, just a overall amazing radio.

All in all, every radio station has it's perks, it really depends on the mood you're in at the time.