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What websites do you browse?

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YouTube, Facebook and some online forums, as well as some online monetizing pages. So, not something very special in my internet cache.


I spend to much time on Reddit. I really mean to much. For the most part I can easily spend 20+ hours a week on it. Even more if I'm at university as I seem to browse it more on my downtime.


I browse YT, FB and, of course, reddit. There are a lot of nice people on that site and the content is great.


I mostly spend my entire browsing time on reddit. This site just absorbs you. Other than that I read some tech sites also.


There are a few different web sites that I like to visit on a daily basis. The first website I usually go to is YouTube. The next site that I go to is usually Toms Hardware.


YOUTUBE. Most of my life revolves around youtube. Good god. That and wikipedia. Did you know there is an island nation that has pikachu on it's state coin and the same state has free wifi for all people in the country? I do.
I'm usually browsing on Youtube. I've subscribed to quite a bit of channels, so I usually have a lot to watch. They're usually based on gaming, which is what I'm mostly interested in.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time I am just on YouTube. I love watching videos there and I even watch it a whole lot more now than regular shows on TV. I also browse Yahoo for my news and also participate in many forums.


For me it's mainly general and spedific news sites and a lot of Youtube. In addition to that I buy a lot of stuff and always look out for music.
I buy a lot of stuff online as well, but the main sites for me is music sites like SoundCloud, and Reverb Nation. Youtube replaced my standard cable service.
I browse what ever I am looking into at the present moment. I research a lot of stuff thru out the day so there is no telling where I may go or what i may be looking at. I do not have any specific sites I browse, I hit facebook a few times a day, yahoo mail a few times a day, Gmail once every couple weeks. The main sites that will pop up on my browser are all my Bitocin cloud sites and pool mining sites.


Well-Known Member
YOUTUBE. Most of my life revolves around youtube. Good god. That and wikipedia. Did you know there is an island nation that has pikachu on it's state coin and the same state has free wifi for all people in the country? I do.
I never had much patience with Wikipedia because I have some trouble reading walls of text but I agree with you on YouTube. I've wasted so much of my time there and I'm really worried about it becoming a problem lol.


I read up current events on and check my mail. I check regularly. A couple times a week I will check my Facebook page or Twitter.


New Member
As a big sports fan, one of my favorite websites to browse would be Bleach Report. I am addicted to that site and I will recommend to all of the sports lovers out there. You will not be disappointed!


Well-Known Member
I browse what ever I am looking into at the present moment. I research a lot of stuff thru out the day so there is no telling where I may go or what i may be looking at. I do not have any specific sites I browse, I hit facebook a few times a day, yahoo mail a few times a day, Gmail once every couple weeks. The main sites that will pop up on my browser are all my Bitocin cloud sites and pool mining sites.
Yeah I get into phases myself sometimes too. If I'm interested in a certain topic I might watch and research a lot of it for months and afterwards I move onto something else.