Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What view do you prefer?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Well-Known Member
First Person with my wheel and Third Person with a controller.
I would have done it this way as well. Even though I'm not very good at first person I think I'd make it work If I had a wheel as a controller. I think it would add a lot of amusement for me and my friends to see me fail multiple times.


Birds eye is the best for me. I can really gauge the drifting better, and I can judge the terrain better. Third person is doable, but I can't see the tail end of the car so it's hard to judge the drift.


I'm fine with a few different views, honestly. Birds eye or third person in general is okay, but sometimes I get the most fun out of playing from first person view.


"You're the only person who gets dizzy in first person mode." My friends have told me that a ton of times. I usually use the default view but I occasionally use the higher angle view that some games provide. I just can't use first person mode because for some reason I get motion sick. That's probably more than you needed to know.


My favorite camera view is definitely the cockpit view, where I can see the dashboard and my steering wheel, and the driver's hand when he shifts gears. I hate the hood view, and the view in front of the hood, which is basically like a bumper camera. I also like the view behind the car, and I use that if a race is REALLY hard and I can't see well in first-person. But, I prefer the dashboard camera, but if that's not there, I'll always use the view behind the car.

I'm kind of sad that Grid 2 doesn't have a cockpit view, I just bought it yesterday.


First person for sure, it's more immersive for me and I can't imagine how great this would be on an Oculus Rift


New Member
Third person, without a doubt.

I've never been much of an advocate of first person games, whether ti be driving, shooting, or just basic adventure games. I just can't get into them, they don't interest me, they aggravate and annoy me, and basically just ruin the gaming experience for me. I guess I just like to see the character I'm playing as, or the car I'm driving.


I really like the third person view. I think that it is the best view and it is the only view that I like to use when I am playing racing games.


Firs-person view is my favorite, but only if the mirrors, meter and such work. If there's none of that, for me the game feels cheap and unfinished.
I prefer third person, but not the "action" or "close up" views. I prefer the third person views that focus on the surrounding area, not just the car. I like having a wide field of view, and if I wanted first person I would go driving in an empty parking lot.