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What Is Your Most Favourite Mission In GTA VCS

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Active Member
I really liked "Over the top" and "So Long Schlong". Those were my favorite by a long shot, the others didn't really make me feel like I was on a mission.

Thomas Hall

New Member
The mission that I liked the most was, Divorce mission as you only had to kill the goons and get rid of Marty and rescue Louise which was a nice one although no reward for the mission. I enjoyed driving the car and felt like I was rescuing the love of my life, and had to get to the bad guy before he kidnaps her and had to crash into other cars in the mission as well. Most of the other ones had you trying to save Lance and he made many stupid choices in the game and without you he would of been dead long time ago as he was addicted to cocaine most of the time.


New Member
I haven't played it in a while as traded it in with my psp ages ago, but the one that stood out for me was 'light my pyre' it was both my favourite and most challenging mission of the game, my favourite simply because it gave me a real sense of acheivement after having completed it.


New Member
There were a lot of good ones but The Exchange was a really good one. Nothing like the constant sound of AK-47s at the side of your Sea Sparrow.
Last Stand, Light my Pyre and Over The Top were my favourites. Other missions were good. But nothing compared to those three. At least to me anyway


New Member
I liked "Over the Top" the most. Back then I felt that it was somewhat challenging and also I generally enjoy some sneaky missions. But also the fact that you built up the story with the hunter felt very good. For the mission itself though, It would have been more awesome if it was a bit longer in my opinion.
My most favorite mission in GTA VC is Autocide. The goal is with a time limit of 9 hours/minutes, Tommy has to kill members of a European gangplanning to rob a bank.These are not ordinary gang members. Even though some people don't like this mission, I still loved it.