Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What do you think will happen to your Steam games when Steam gets shut down someday?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I am pretty sure that Steam won't shut down. Maybe a merger can happen. But I won't think Steam will cease to exist one day. They simply can't.


Even if I doubt that this will ever happen, I heard, that Valve would provide DRM free copies of every game if they ever shutdown Steam. Not sure though.


I think we can expect that much, if they were shutting Steam down then they would have no reason to hold back they keys that people paid for, on the other hand if they didn't release them, everyone would sue them.


I think we can expect that much, if they were shutting Steam down then they would have no reason to hold back they keys that people paid for, on the other hand if they didn't release them, everyone would sue them.

What good is a steam key when steam is dead? The CD keys might do you some good though.


What good is a steam key when steam is dead? The CD keys might do you some good though.

I might have fumbled what I meant to say.
I meant that they can release access to the servers so that people can download the installers for the games instead of just installing through Steam.
That way people could just keep the games in an external drive or even burn them to DVD's.


I might have fumbled what I meant to say.
I meant that they can release access to the servers so that people can download the installers for the games instead of just installing through Steam.
That way people could just keep the games in an external drive or even burn them to DVD's.

In this scenario Valve has collapsed, to what server would they release all the games to? Who would pay for these server, valve certainly not


In this scenario Valve has collapsed, to what server would they release all the games to? Who would pay for these server, valve certainly not

I'm thinking they wouldn't close overnight, so they could do this with maybe a month in advance, no?


Now do not just say that. Even though everything has its own starting and ending, I hope that stem stays around for a while. I am sure the patches will be create to make games compatible on other consoles.


Now do not just say that. Even though everything has its own starting and ending, I hope that stem stays around for a while. I am sure the patches will be create to make games compatible on other consoles.

Well Steam is releasing the SteamOS consoles so they are even cutting other consoles from the loop, I can't wait form having a console that can play Steam's huge games library.
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be after I stop caring about videogames in general. Haha! Sadly, I'm probably gonna grow out of it when I get older.


Well-Known Member
I think we can expect that much, if they were shutting Steam down then they would have no reason to hold back they keys that people paid for, on the other hand if they didn't release them, everyone would sue them.
There definitely would be an uproar and I guess the only thing that would prevent them is the terms of agreement which I'm sure they have covered.


I think that if they wanted to shut down Steam someday, they would give you a notice a month before they do so, so that you can download all of the games that you want to the PC or an external drive. This is the only way that you will be able to access the games when Steam wouldn't be online anymore in my opinion.


New Member
Yup, people here have said it. DRM-free and unlocked games for all, once Steam goes down.

That said, though, I think Valve made that promise with the confidence that Steam would be alive virtually forever, don't you guys think so? I don't think it's in any danger with the current business model. Some people like to think of Steam as DRM itself, but it's actually a good product and service that I voluntarily use because I like it, and enjoy its many features, especially with the beautiful new interface and capability for in-home streaming.


Te worst case scenario would be us losing all of our games in a flash without eve getting a chance to react. I wonder what it's going to be like at Gabe's office.


I think that it will never happen. Valve is such a big company who will last for atleast 50 years and more. And when it comes to a shutdown someday far away in the future they will definitely do it right and leave us games to play them same as we did before.