Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What do you play Chinatown Wars on?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
What platform do you use to play Chinatown Wars?If you weren't aware, you can get ChinaTown Wars on the PSP, DS, IPad and IPhone. Ive only played ChinaTown Wars on the PSP.


New Member
Same here, PS only. Cant really afford a PC set-up dedicated only to gaming and I just don't think games like this are designed for things like smartphones. Stick to a big screen and you can't go too far wrong.


New Member
PSP and Ipad here. PSP is great, Ipad isn't. It has no place in a smartphone with that size of the screen being what it is. I just did it to see how the experience was really. Wasn't really disappointed since I didn't expect much from it.

I wouldn't ever do it again though, unless I really had no choice. PSP is where it shines.


New Member
PSP and Ipad here. PSP is great, Ipad isn't. It has no place in a smartphone with that size of the screen being what it is. I just did it to see how the experience was really. Wasn't really disappointed since I didn't expect much from it.

I wouldn't ever do it again though, unless I really had no choice. PSP is where it shines.
Ive heard that as well that the game just does not fit that well on the Ipad and im not surprised. Ive never watched someone play it on the IPad, but I can imagine it not working to well.


New Member
I played ChinaTown Wars on the DS and had a great time with it. Ive seen people play on their Ipads and never heard them complain about it, they actually play the game alot. If I have a DS though, why would I bother playing it on a IPad which isn't made for gaming?


New Member
I played it on the Nintendo DS :D The good old days, I miss playing it actually, I could sit there easily just playing Chinatown Wars for at least 7 hours straight, usually because I get so into the game I forget everything around me.


New Member
I played it on the nintendo DS. It was pretty fun, but obviously not as fun as GTA V. Well, you can't really compare these 2 games. They are completely different.


I got it on the iOS. It worked a lot better than I thought it would. It was a real battery drainer though. I like the police system that they had. Made it easier to get away.


Played it on PSP, but didn't play much. Didn't enjoy it much. I might go back to it sometime...


New Member
I have played it on the DS it was fun, but after I beat the game I never really played it after that.


New Member
I had it on the DS. Was definitely a different experience than I was used to, but it was a blast when compared to the rest of the DS library, excluding Mario, Zelda and Pokemon games.


New Member
I've played Chinatown Wars on PSP. I really like my PSP and think it is perfect for GTA Chinatown. Anyone ever play it on Iphone?


New Member
I've played chinatown wars only on the DS and it was well worth the money I paid for it, and I had so much fun with it that I could play forever if I was allowed.


I play it on my iPod touch, it's awesome because the controls are good and there's great use of the touch capabilities.


I have played it on the PSP and th Ipad and it was a very enjoyable experience. I rank this game at the top of my mobile game collection.