Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What do you play Chinatown Wars on?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
Well I don't currently play, but I used to have the DS version. I thought it was pretty impressive, I hear it was about 900 lines of assembly code used for optimization :p


New Member
I have played Chinatown Wars on the iPod. I was able to get so far before I stopped playing, it was a fun game though.


New Member
I have it on an Android phone. Controls are clunky on it, and my thumbs cover part of the screen while playing, but otherwise th game is good.


New Member
I've only recently heard of it, I thought it was on PS2? Am I wrong? I have no idea, I didn't even know it existed, I only knew of it on this forums.


Active Member
I tried it on a PSP a while ago but it didn't appeal to me too much. I heard that the gameplay is better on DS but I'm not really sure about that.


New Member
I also experienced it on the PSP, having bought the physical edition. I considered installing it on my iPhone, but I never got around to doing it; I didn't like the game enough, I guess.


New Member
I've played it on iPod, iPad and PSP. I found it was difficult to play on the iOS platform mostly due to the controls. The PSP had a far superior gameplay experience in my opinion.
I first played it on the DS years ago. Then, I got it on my iPhone 3GS, but it was pretty small and not that comfy to play on, so now that I have a new phone, I can play it on it, as it has a bigger display.


New Member
I played it on the DS. It was kind of bizarre, honestly, to play a game like GTA on something like a Nintendo DS. Chinatown Wars wasn't that great of a game, either.


I have played in on the iPhone and did not really have any problems with it, but the screen was pretty small. I have not played it on the DS but that seems like a better option, the PSP sounds a little better too. I think I'll wait until a new version comes out to try it again.
PSP and Ipad here. PSP is great, Ipad isn't. It has no place in a smartphone with that size of the screen being what it is. I just did it to see how the experience was really. Wasn't really disappointed since I didn't expect much from it.

I wouldn't ever do it again though, unless I really had no choice. PSP is where it shines.
I see.