Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

What do you do when you're free-roaming?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
If you want, you can also turn off the HUD in the games settings. It really adds to the realism and makes police searches a lot more fun because you don't know where they are.

I'm going to try that, I think i'm pretty good at losing the cops so let's see if I can do so with out the map! That'll waste some time, whilst we wait for them to give us our new missions and Heist!


New Member
I love activating the invincibility cheat and just blowing everything up in sight. The one thing I don't understand is why Rockstar decided to limit the invincibility cheat to only 5 minutes. Kind of lame. I like using the game as a mini flight simulator and taking off and landing at airports. Skydiving from a plane and landing on a tall building or mountain. Taking my boat to the edge of the ocean and sinking and trying to knife a shark before it eats me. Doing triathlons. Man, there is so much to do.


New Member
When I Free-Roam in GTA 5 I will usually buy a car, upgrade it to the max, and then start a 5 star police chase. I will occasionally use cheats just to have some extra fun. Sometimes I just get a helicopter fly on top of a building and start shooting my RPG and Grenade Launcher at the pedestrians below. Why am I so messed up?


New Member
When I Free-Roam in GTA 5 I will usually buy a car, upgrade it to the max, and then start a 5 star police chase. I will occasionally use cheats just to have some extra fun. Sometimes I just get a helicopter fly on top of a building and start shooting my RPG and Grenade Launcher at the pedestrians below. Why am I so messed up?

Lol i think a lot of people do some evil things in free roam mode dont feel bad


New Member
I generally only use the tank offline, because it's only annoying other people online. But for fun I usually rob people/stores, see how long I drive at full-speed in a sports car without crashing, try to T-Bone cars at intersections in big trucks :)


New Member
I like to play as Franklin and head over to the old Grove Street. While there I usually find a fancy purple car with various amounts of ballers hanging around the court. I take my baseball bat and start bashing the car and deal with the ballers one by one. It eventually ends up in a shootout with a few close calls so then I just make my way up the street and deal with any ballers and cops that get in my way.


New Member
Kinda running out of things to do in free roam. I usually supe out a car, and try hit as many jumps with it till it explodes, then repeat. :p
I love going to the hills, and just hitting hill after hill. Desert has some good ramps too.


New Member
I like to do a ton of thing's while I'm free roaming. I usually start out by heading over to the airport and picking up one of my private jets. Once I pick up my jet, I fly over to the military base and jump out. Once in the base, I steal a fighter jet and fly back to Los Santos and begin bombing the streets, especially if I'm playing online. Then I'll crash the jet and just go drive my car while running over pedestrians.


New Member
Whenever I free roam in the game which is pretty much what I do when I play GTA, I end up doing some awkward things at the beach usually involving planes and/or pushing innocent people into fire. Sometimes, I give myself god mode and go into a store and hold the store vendor hostage. I really wished god mode lasted longer though, haha.


New Member
When free roaming, I like to pretend I'm some villain on the run and run out of stores, pretending to run for my life.


New Member
I like to make my own heists, since R* hasn't added any to the online game yet. I plan them out, think of different routes, vehicles, areas to go after, outfits, all that stuff. I of course just hit the gas stations and liquor stores, but I think ultimately the fun I have doing it is better than the pay I get out of it. Like the time me and my friend did an armored truck/gas station hit, and he was trying to find a cargobob for ~10 minutes while I drove down the highway while on a 5 star wanted level just holding off police. It was the best time I've had in that game honestly. There really is a lot more to free-roam than people give it.


New Member
I do different things depending on my mood. If I'm angry then I kill people in the street, if I'm in a good mood, then I just play tennis or golf because it's fun.


New Member
Most of the times I just cruise around. It's just so comforting and relaxing driving in GTA V, especially on the highway, where you can just enjoy the scenery. I tend to drive on top of mountain so I can see the whole city (I'm such a cliche).

Other times I try to get a jet and fly around, seeing new parts of the map (I still haven't explored all of it, the top part is pretty much untouched right now). It's fun to get as many wanted levels as possible and avoid the cops, you somehow feel satisfied (especially if you have four stars and manage to get away without dying).


New Member
I try to see how many people I can sucker punch before the police put me down. It's amusing when the pedestrians realize as you're running at them that you aren't planning on giving out free hugs. I've had a few pedestrians call the cops on Franklin just for standing near them.


New Member
Sometimes I just go for a drive around the city or its surrounding areas, or I will hop on a chopper and fly around just sight seeing. I often find that I end up murdering civilians which inevitably leads to a gun fight with police. After a long car chase and more dead cops my star level rises and I end up dead but its always fun so I keep doing it.
Oh man, it depends on what mood I'm in at the time. Sometimes I'm feeling destructive and start destroying cars and shooting the cops. Other times I just feel like chilling and I try to find someone else on GTA Online who wants to find different ways to have fun besides killing each other. My favorite thing before it was patched was finding tanks and sniping the driver with the heavy sniper, it was really funny to hear their reaction.


New Member
To me, nothing beats just cruising around in an airplane and then crashing it somewhere. I love causing mayhem in the city. My friends and I always get a large SUV and just go down on the civilians: bombs, guns, you name it. Then we have these long police chases, 5-6 stars with my friend at the wheel and myself behind the trigger. Get to the airport in order to quickly get another airplane, evade the cops, and repeat all over again! Though sometimes it is nice to just enjoy the city like a regular civilian.