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Watch or Play?

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I love to play. I love the competition and the challenge of playing with other players who are probably way better at it than I am, but that just pushes me to be better too. It's a lot more fun and I learn a lot more.

Luke Martin

New Member
If I have the choice I would definitely play, but I also do enjoy watching. I think that's why Mario Kart has been so successful. There's not many games that are as fun to watch as they are to play, but Mario Kart is one.


New Member
I like playing the most of course but it is fun to look at gifs with some close calls. I've seen a few where someone was about to go over the finish line and just got smashed. Going from first to eight in only a few seconds. I should save some of these and post them. I do find it kind of annoying waiting to play online and having to suspecting first. It's only a few minutes but it feels like forever.
I used to do both. It was fairly amusing to watch the people from various gaming channels that I subscribe to on YouTube play the game. After a while though, they began to keep repeating the same few tracks over and over again, and the results of the races rarely changed, so it grew less exciting. The videos were still entertaining, primarily due to the personalities of the players, but less so than most of their other videos.

I've pretty much stopped watching now and just play. The direct connection to the game keeps it exciting, even if I am playing the same tracks over and over again. With how greatly items affect the standings in Mario Kart, it's pretty much impossible to stay in one position for the entire race, so that keeps it from becoming dull.


New Member
I like to watch and play evenly. With watching, I get to learn strategies on when to use certain items and cheer my friends on. With playing, its more about beating your friends and winning. No matter what, its always about having a good time with my friends.


New Member
Play. I used to be top 30 in my country on MKWii (Canada) so I was pretty good. I recently picked up a Wii U and have been playing MK8 non-stop, I still prefer MKwii a lot but nintendo did a good job on MK8.


I prefer to play but I also like to watch other people play. I watch some YouTubers play this game and it's very entertaining how they react if something happened to them in the game.
I rather be playing! Mario Kart is an amazing game. It's so much fun.

But for other games, it really depends. In general, it's much more fun to watch competitive games, but playing is also pretty fun.


Racing games are boring when you watch them instead of experiencing it first and. Why would I want to watch it when I can get my hands on this game any time I want to?


New Member
Definitely playing! I'm not a very big fan of watching racing games unless it's some kind of tournament or a streamer that I think puts out really good content and is very entertaining to watch, but I usually prefer being the one behind the wheel.


Active Member
It's way more exciting to play the games, although some people do create some awesome Let's Play content that is worth watching from time to time.


While I'd rather play, I'll admit that out of all the racing games, Mario Kart is probably the most fun to watch.


If someone is better than me at the game I like to watch and see their techniques or see what I am doing wrong.


But if anything I would improvise and improve my game using logic and my own intelligence. But as is the case with all things, there will always be someone better than you at something. :)


I would definitely say I like playing the game more than watching, though if you're watching a friend play, you can see all the beauty and detail added to MK8, which you don't notice while you're playing yourself. The music is also very enjoyable, even if you're not playing :)


Well-Known Member
Racing games are boring when you watch them instead of experiencing it first and. Why would I want to watch it when I can get my hands on this game any time I want to?
I agree. I think some games are okay to watch but when it comes to racing games I think it's best when you play it yourself. The only exception to this for me would be Burnout since it's still fun to see how others do on takedown events.
I definitely prefer to play. Watching is always fun and I do enjoy cheering on my friends, but playing is the better overall experience. I can usually stand waiting for a few minutes but after that I get impatient.
Depends on my mood. If I don't want to race, I wish other people race. Especially if it's Mario Kart because I SWEAR the computer has an AI of Terminator and just tries to destroy you! Makes me wonder how much an everyone game this is when the other racers are out for your blood...