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Violence And Video Games

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New Member
Yes, I Agree that playing video games is one of reason behind violence among teenagers.

People under the influence of video games may go through severe mental disorders which can cause them do serious crimes.

Hence, Proper Guidance is needed especially for teenagers who play aggressive video games.


New Member
I dont believe in any sort of "videogames cause violence" purely because there are so many, much more violent things happening in real life! If someone can't control their urges to cause someone harm, that's not down to the game.
It's a video game. In Resident Evil 4, you plow through European villages with a handgun and a shotgun, all the while killing birds to get loot. It's a video game, and it should never be held responsible for the actions to little children - that's the job for the parents. If they allow their kid to play a game that's obviously above their age level, then it's their fault for the ideals that the kid will learn in these games. Parents need to stop deflecting their responsibilities into others, and stop spreading the blame for their negligence.


I have zero problem with it. It's an art, art is a form of expression, video games are a form of expression. If you don't like it simply don't buy it. Parents of younger children seem to be at the forefront of this outcry and I'm not sure why. Eminem said something in an interview that I'll parrot here because of the relevance, when asked about parents being outraged by his 'offensive' lyrics and does he take responsibility when kids listen to it: "if you're a parent be a parent, I don't use cuss words around my family, profanity around my house, off-limits, but it's you're job to parent the child, not mine". Same concept applies here.
This is one of those issues that annoys me. People always look for a scapegoat to blame society's problems on. Whether it's blaming music or video games. It's always silly to me. People need to put the blame where it belongs and that's on the individuals perpetuating the acts. Most people who play violent video games do not go out and commit crimes in society at large. Most are normal people who are just entertained by video games violent or not.


This is one of those issues that annoys me. People always look for a scapegoat to blame society's problems on. Whether it's blaming music or video games. It's always silly to me. People need to put the blame where it belongs and that's on the individuals perpetuating the acts. Most people who play violent video games do not go out and commit crimes in society at large. Most are normal people who are just entertained by video games violent or not.

Remember when they blamed Marilyn Manson after Columbine? He had a great quote about that when asked what he would say to that community: "I wouldn't say a single thing to them, I'd listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did". It's your job to be involved with your kids life, don't blame media/games because you failed as a parent.


Active Member
It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest video games causes violent behavior. If that were the case, someone would have done the research and made the correlations already. I've yet to see any studies connecting violent video games with some epidemic of violent behavior. People the know difference between a video game and actually doing those violent things in real life.


New Member
Always trying to scapegoat the game industry for what's happening now... not cool, man. I mean, sure, a lot of kids could catch bad habits, but definitely not to the extent of mass murdering. One exception though... if you're playing the Postal series, you might have a mental illness. :D


On this topic I can actually say he may be right, but the
way I see it is a game is not the problem. Its the people
they see in their neighbor doing the same thing like on the game. You will be surprised how people live there lives. Teenagers usually look at the game, and just play the game, but if you are weak minded It probably can happen.
It actually depends upon the mindset of a particular teenagers.


That's very true and also if a video game makes you capable of committing a crime then their is something wrong with you and you should not be able to play gas or watch TV, or movies etc...
I don't think that this is the case with a majority of the people. Well, most of the people are smart and they would never commit any crime.


The violence part of the game is meant for entertainment part only. No person of sound mind can transfer and extend what he has watched to experiment it in the real life environment. Therefore no need to shift blames to one another.


New Member
Honestly, instead of pointing fingers at the game, point it at the people responsible and the parents that allow their children to play it. Violence has always existed in books, movies and real life. Blame the person, not the item.


Let's admit the fact that there is some level of the violence in the games. And it an be really something that needs to properly plan out. I think video games take a lot of time for things to properly fit out. I personally don't think video games should have that much violence in them.