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Which games that are coming soon is everyone looking forward to then?

For me it was Beyond: Two Souls... until I played the demo. Didn't like it at all, unfortunately. And was disappointed to discover the controls are similar to those in Heavy Rain.


Mine actually was Beyond: Two Souls - I love the game play. I don't play it for the game, but for the plot, its more of a movie with bits of interaction, so far. I'm also waiting for The Division and Watchdogs, the two best games I have seen, ever. 2014 seems like an exciting year for gaming, with all the new games and technologies (Including game engines and changes in the classic hardware).
A cool game that really makes me want to get the Xbox One would be Project Spark. It's such a cool game where your able to build your level and landscape, but it's not tedious and it can actually be pretty fun. Not to mention that once you build it you can have sort of like an RPG adventure in it, with the monsters actually being challenging.


I really am excited for Batman: Arkham Origins, it has more Joker in it, so I can't wait for that. Um, I'm also half-excited for Destiny, but if I don't get right away, I won't complain. I will say, if Borderlands 3 come out, I will go to the midnight release. Borderlands 2 was one of my favorite games and if there is a sequel, I can't wait for it.