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Tilt, Analog Stick, or D-Pad?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I don't like how you have to move your arms like a madman to play it too. I always assume people who are using it just haven't discovered you could use touch controls which is way more convenient.
Yeah, I find it funny to watch my cousin use the tilt controls, especially when making tight turns, his entire body goes with the tilt lol. Nevertheless, again, I still can't believe he still beats me every now and then. I'm not your average joe (no offense if your a Joe) either when it comes to racing games.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I find it funny to watch my cousin use the tilt controls, especially when making tight turns, his entire body goes with the tilt lol. Nevertheless, again, I still can't believe he still beats me every now and then. I'm not your average joe (no offense if your a Joe) either when it comes to racing games.
Haha. I guess if it works, it works. I also have a hard time imagining why someone would choose it since I find it less accurate but I guess they are able to make it work for them, and besides I think one of the original goals for this type of control is to add realism so maybe that is part of the appeal for them as well.


Well, yeah I guess whatever works for the gamer. I actually tried to use Gyro Controls on Mario Kart 8 and it isn't as bad as I've thought. I haven't spent too much time on it but I think it's actually viable, I'm surprised. Probably because the Wii U Gamepad's motion controls are a lot better than the 3DS?
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Well-Known Member
Well, yeah I guess whatever works for the gamer. I actually tried to use Gyro Controls on Mario Kart 8 and it isn't as bad as I've thought. I haven't spent too much time on it but I think it's actually viable, I'm surprised. Probably because the Wii U Gamepad's motion controls are a lot better than the 3DS?
I guess so since they probably are able to do more with a home console than a portable one. I think smaller devices pick up on movement a lot more compared to larger ones so any slight change causes a big difference in the game.


Active Member
I love tilt, I play racing games on my phone only with my Gyro sensor, so there's that. As for other platforms I use the analog stick most of the time, the D-pad doesn't feel smooth to me.


Out of the three stated, I prefer the analog stick. I have always been a pro at using analog sticks to drive which surprises my friends. I got into the habit of doing so from the early days of Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2.