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Next sunday the 4th season starts and I am really excited about this. Just finished watching the 3rd season for the 3rd time.

Do you watch TWD?


Is the 3rd season currently on Netflix? I'm always behind with this show. Any idea if they're breaking up the season again this year?


New Member
Did you both enjoy the last season of The Walking Dead, I felt it was rather boring. I don't really like the new direction they are taking, it all seemed a bit too much like it was filmed on a set. I preferred it when it was set in the woods and a bit more realistic.


I don't get why this show gets so much love. Yeah it's a cool premise and all, but season 2 basically pushed me away from this show, it was just awful. I tried but it became one of those shows I'd maybe watch if it was on, but I had better things to do. Season 3 was much better and was actually kind of fun, but I'm not sure if I want to continue on with the show. The characters in this show too, ah I can't stand most of them. I like realism in my shows and when I see people shooting guns, especially a kid, without any kick to the gun, it really takes me away from the show and makes it more laughable than fun.

I can see why people like it though, I just can't get into it.


Did you both enjoy the last season of The Walking Dead, I felt it was rather boring. I don't really like the new direction they are taking, it all seemed a bit too much like it was filmed on a set. I preferred it when it was set in the woods and a bit more realistic.
After all I did not really like the Woodbury story. But as I have watched all the season three times I have to say that the second and third season definitively grew with watching them again.

I'm glad that Andrea is dead. But Carl is still alive.. this little piece of crap..


I don't get why this show gets so much love. Yeah it's a cool premise and all, but season 2 basically pushed me away from this show, it was just awful. I tried but it became one of those shows I'd maybe watch if it was on, but I had better things to do. Season 3 was much better and was actually kind of fun, but I'm not sure if I want to continue on with the show. The characters in this show too, ah I can't stand most of them. I like realism in my shows and when I see people shooting guns, especially a kid, without any kick to the gun, it really takes me away from the show and makes it more laughable than fun.

I can see why people like it though, I just can't get into it.
How is a zombie TV show supposed to be realistic? It's all about that postapocalyptic world and the personal and non-personal problems within it.
I liked the first two seasons, but season 3 was dreadful. Seemed like the writers had pretty much given up. So I don't think I'll be bothering with season 4.


I can't wait for this season to start, I wonder what will happen.
I bet all those people they got at the end of the last season get killed within the first 2 episodes, their current situation is too good for the writers to let it go on :)


New Member
I remember stopping the series during the 3rd season because it got a little bit boring and predictive. But people are talking about it like crazy and i think i made a mistake. I'm gonna continue the 3rd season before the 4th starts.
I haven't watched the show yet, I'm still reading the comics. However, once I finish the comics, I'll be heading straight to the TV show! I'm very excited as I'm almost finished reading them and I've heard raving reviews about the television adaptation. Hopefully it's as good as they say!
I haven't watched the show yet, I'm still reading the comics. However, once I finish the comics, I'll be heading straight to the TV show! I'm very excited as I'm almost finished reading them and I've heard raving reviews about the television adaptation. Hopefully it's as good as they say!
Just in case you aren't aware - it's pretty different to the comics!


I just started the first season, I read the comics up to issue 107, anyone who read it here has a few good words to say on the show? Or will I just get mad for things they added/removed when they made it?


New Member
My friend has read all the comics and outright refuses to watch the show. I've really enjoyed it but I think it's running out of momentum. i don't know where they go with season 4 to be honest. If i had a criticism of big budget American shows its that they don't know when to quit sometimes. If something is a marketable commodity they will wring every last drop out of it.


My friend has read all the comics and outright refuses to watch the show. I've really enjoyed it but I think it's running out of momentum. i don't know where they go with season 4 to be honest. If i had a criticism of big budget American shows its that they don't know when to quit sometimes. If something is a marketable commodity they will wring every last drop out of it.

I don't know where they can go with the series but I don't know the comics, so I couldn't say what happened there, is the comic too far ahead of the show or has the show caught up? (I know it's not exactly the same story but it's based around the same people and places I think.
The comics are way ahead. I am not a fan of the comics either. Robert Kirkman probably doesn't understand the concept of an ending and is just cranking out crap issues after crap issues. The TV series isn't a lot better. The first season was ok but that is it.

Daryl is a cool character though.