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The Luigi death glare.

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
I've seen this across the Internet recently and it cracks me up every single time I see it. It sure is unintentional, but it has unknowingly created even more popularity for MK8.


I've seen this across the Internet recently and it cracks me up every single time I see it. It sure is unintentional, but it has unknowingly created even more popularity for MK8.
Recently? It seems like this has been a meme for a little while. Still, I find it amusing as well. Sometimes, I wonder if it was accidental. It did bring a lot of attention to Mario Kart 8. It might have just been good marketing.


That's funny as hell! I had never seen this.
There's a bunch of them...

Check it out:

Heh, that was awesome. Yeah, Luigi is definitely not a pushover anymore. People thought he was the weaker brother, the wuss of the Mario brothers. Now, Luigi's back with a vengeance.


Active Member
This is the kind of thing that happens when you live in the shadow of your brother for too long. Mario had better be careful...

I hope Nintendo doesn't patch this in any way, it's pretty hilarious and sets Luigi apart from Mario. Although I do foresee that some kids might be traumatized by this...


Ah, I might have found my favorite Luigi Death Glare video. The song used is from an Anime I love called Kill la Kill. (Just turn it down a bit if you're wearing headphones.)


Wow, never though that Mario Kart would work so well with Kill la Kill LOL
Ah, there someone else here that knows Kill la Kill? Cool In any case, yeah, I found that and thought it was hilariously awesome. I had to post it here.


This is the kind of thing that happens when you live in the shadow of your brother for too long. Mario had better be careful...

I hope Nintendo doesn't patch this in any way, it's pretty hilarious and sets Luigi apart from Mario. Although I do foresee that some kids might be traumatized by this...
It's too funny and it's gotten Mario Kart 8 a lot of attention. Why would Nintendo patch this? That would be a very unwise decision.


luigi is a very menacing character from the rooks department. good thing he is really no different then most
Heh, it's true. He plays exactly the same and there's no benefit or detriment to this new trait of his. Still, it's attention catching and just too funny. I'd be shocked if someone didn't make a Luigi Death Glare video set to the song "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister.
I really love his stare. I think it was unintentional, but once Nintendo saw the popularity this "death stare" got on the Internet, they made it permanent. I giggle every time I see that mad face.


Well-Known Member
I love this too I find it very amusing because I think he's just the right character to have that glare. If it were on anybody else it wouldn't have as much of an impact in my opinion.
It's so iconic and funny of a meme they even did a kids react video of it. Nintendo should keep doing similar things, since people who might have never heard of Mario Kart might find out about it from that meme they saw one day. (thought I can't figure out how you've never heard of Mario KArt)


Well-Known Member
You don't think the children are going to like this? I think they''ll start thinking that Luigi is cool now. I know that my daughter suddenly has respect for him now.
I don't know about kids, but I certainly liked Luigi a lot more after noticing this detail. I think he had a bit of struggle finding a personality at first but this one trait is starting to give him a lot more of a punch.
It's so iconic and funny of a meme they even did a kids react video of it. Nintendo should keep doing similar things, since people who might have never heard of Mario Kart might find out about it from that meme they saw one day. (thought I can't figure out how you've never heard of Mario KArt)

I especially loved that one little girl's comment of: "Luigi MUST be stopped!" Lol. Too cute for words!