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Running over pedestrians

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


If I can avoid running people over, I'll avoid it.
Not because I'm sorry for them or anything, I just don't like having dents on my car :)


We ALL love it. I mean, heck, the first Carmageddon was actually exactly that - a "pedestrian-hitting-simulator"!

Don't sweat about it, you're not a criminal if you like it. Think of it this way: do you REALLY think it would be fun to ride on a sleigh pulled by one single, old-ish horse on the brink of death, in the middle of the night, feeling your nose freezing off, while everyone else was inside drinking hot cocoa and watching family programming? Yet, we sing about how jolly the experience is.

It's the same. We don't want to REALLY do it, we don't think it would be fun to turn other people into meatloafs (not "out loud", anyways :p ), but it IS fun to do in a simulated environment. Next to another simulated environment where we mow down people of other races/ethnicities 'cause "we're the best under a cool waving flag".


Sometimes I think the game works better if you sort of pretend that the pedestrians have agency. So you like try to avoid them at all costs, be a good driver and such, follow the traffic rules, etc etc.

But sometimes, you really just wanna fucken go wild on that steering wheel. #FUCKYEAHRAGDOLLPHYSICS


I love testing the ragdoll physics in the game. A game I try to play is, with Franklin try to keep a ped on your hood using his special ability. It's harder than it sounds.


@PvtParts Yeah, like the monks (monks? were they monks? don't remember) at the first GTA (the 2D one) and its sequel, walking in an easily-runnable-over line :)

Rockstar knew what they were doing, even back then!

<splash> ... <crunch> ... <loud voices and cries> ... FUN!

(Gee, we must sound like psychopaths!)


@PvtParts Yeah, like the monks (monks? were they monks? don't remember) at the first GTA (the 2D one) and its sequel, walking in an easily-runnable-over line :)

Rockstar knew what they were doing, even back then!

<splash> ... <crunch> ... <loud voices and cries> ... FUN!

(Gee, we must sound like psychopaths!)
Haha, the media probably checks this forum for their "Video Games Cause Violence" "Studies". I like how dense the pedestrians are in GTAV on nest (next*) generation though, you can hit em all in a single go if your car doesn't flip from hitting so many people.
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New Member
Although it's definitely not a positive thing to do in the real world, ramming pedestrians in video games brings me a strange satisfaction.. Call me sadistic or whatever but hey, that's what I love about GTA V. It's definitely one of the more unique games out there.


@Darius Man, oh man! Without knowing it, a typo of yours just created a DIFFERENT type of game - the very type of game we're talking here about!

"Nest Generation"

Har-har! Yeah, that's more like it! Give me a game with the carnage of Split/Second, where there are NESTS for pedestrians around, constantly re-spawning them as prey to my holy smokey tires! Mwahaha-haha...!




Yeah, if GTA games made us want to run over pedestrians, then Super Mario made our dads want to be plumbers. And Sonic the Hedgehog made us want to be hedgehogs. lol


I know it would be very controveersial but I wish there was a combine like in GTA:SA where running over Peds makes body parts fly out the top.


@PvtParts There's a successful T-shirt right there in what you just said, but I just can't find the correct phrasing we should print on it :p

"Playing Mario as a youngster is the reason I'm now a plumber". Not funny enough.
"I played Mario young, and look where it got me" (with an image of a toilet)... Not obvious enough...

Daaaamn... The concept's solid, the execution needs work :-D


I don't like running over the pedestrians as much in GTA V because they look more like people, but when I go back and play San Andreas, it's fun to run over the pedestrians because they look more fake due to the graphical limitations of the time.


One of the drawbacks of running over peds is how much they can screw with your car in GTAV. I've had peds make my car flip due to them going under the rear wheel at high speeds.


But for real, it's really some idiot shit they're trying to peddle us with. Man, Fox News is always trying to steer conversations with video game columnists down the 'video games are evil' path. #FuckFoxNews and #FuckRainbowRoad


But really, the media you consume does have a effect on you, but not as straightforward as 'Video game with violence causes you to commit real-life violence'. Read up on the 50s' obsolete Magic Bullet Theory and its rebuttals to why this isn't so.


Reality, unlike Fox News' fairytale world where media is MIND-CONTROL MAGIC, is much more nuanced than that. For example, movies can cause you to assume things about facts, countries, and cultures, like how people think there are buildings in Washington DC or how people think silencers turn gun sounds into duck farts.


New Member
I remember when my brother used to play GTA2 and chase down people with cars. And crackle with laughter. Put a smile on my face too. We were both young that time. But I do wonder what affect those kind of games had on me long term. I don't think they did as I do not have any inclination for blood lust or violence. Still I won't allow my children to play those type of games. Of course they probably will behind my back just like my brother and I did.