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Running over pedestrians

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
I try not to do it on purpose (and I've never had the urge to do it in real life). I can count the number of times I've ran over someone on purpose in GTA on one hand. It's usually me driving at a reckless speed and spinning out of control and accidentally smacking into someone.


Well you are not the only one I would do the same thing. I really could not avoid them at times, because I will tell you this I am a bad car driver when it comes to games. When I am trying to speed or something yeah that does not go so well. I just have to laugh at myself, because I am that bad at Grand theft auto but I love the game so I keep playing.


I try to avoid running people over whenever I can, but if I do and lets face it eventually you just can't avoid them, I don't really dwell on it. Its a video game after all, not a psychopath simulator. (jury's out on that one)
Haha, I hear ya. I don't know why though, but I always feel bad if I accidentally run over someone. However, I do admit there are days when I'm bored and I just in the game and go crazy.


I think GTA V is about things like this, you can do everything you would never,ever do in real life. I think that is a large appeal of GTA V, being able to do things you would never get to do because they are bad and have large consequences. Do any of you agree with me on this hypothesis?


New Member
I like running over pedestrians, however I hate when the cops chase you, it's very annoying. The whole point of the game is to be the bad guy and kill people and also steal their money and not just an ordinary normal person.


New Member
I never do it on purpose, but it's unavoidable to drive on the walkways sometimes haha. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


Well-Known Member
It's actually a bigger challenge to NOT hit pedestrians while cruising at top speeds. It's not easy doing missions and having someone on your tail while avoiding everyone in front of you. It can't always be helped, but it's kinda fun to see how long you could go without hitting someone (even cars).

I find myself running over military/cops more often than pedestrians, lol.
You're right. Now that I think about it I think I avoid them too as much as possible because I'm always paranoid that a cop might see me and I'd have to worry about getting arrested.


New Member
Sometimes I run contests where I pick out some random body types walking on the streets in GTA and run them over in various ways to see what happens. It seems to vary but I've had a few that went for long rides and I don't know why but I find humor in it sometimes. Maybe we are sadists? I don't know.. Things you would never do outside a game I guess.
I don't know, sometimes i feel bad about it :( but then again, there's times when I just drive like a maniac and run them all over. That's the fun of GTA in my opinion. It's much like the real world and you can do some crazy stuff in it.


New Member
I do run over pedestrians sometimes when I am driving at a high speed and it's very interesting seeing some of the bigger ladies fly. I normally try not to aim for them, though, because I always crash into everything that's on the sidewalk.


New Member
Always. I try to take advantage of the fact that it's just a video game.. Can be really calming if you know what i mean. Beating everyone on the street, running them over, shooting an AK in the middle of the street and not receiving even a ticket is something you have to try!


It's always a sadistically fun thing to do to just run over and kill some people in the GTA series, and it always has been. I probably shouldn't enjoy purposely driving my car down the sidewalk and mowing down people, but I do. It's especially fun when you're mad. You can just take your anger out on those poor virtual people.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I run contests where I pick out some random body types walking on the streets in GTA and run them over in various ways to see what happens. It seems to vary but I've had a few that went for long rides and I don't know why but I find humor in it sometimes. Maybe we are sadists? I don't know.. Things you would never do outside a game I guess.
I often do some personal mini games or rules as well and so do my friends as they have told me that they also have their own mini games in their heads. I think that is a testament to how good these games are that people like them enough to set personal challenges.


I often do some personal mini games or rules as well and so do my friends as they have told me that they also have their own mini games in their heads. I think that is a testament to how good these games are that people like them enough to set personal challenges.

It can't really be called a personal mini game, but I'd sometimes try to see how money I can get after I kill several pedestrians. I've raised hundreds and hundreds of bucks before.


Well-Known Member
It can't really be called a personal mini game, but I'd sometimes try to see how money I can get after I kill several pedestrians. I've raised hundreds and hundreds of bucks before.
Lol. Yeah I think it's already a personal mini game that way, by that I mean you develop personal rituals within the game. I've heard my friends tell me a lot about their small personal rituals they do while playing.


Lol. Yeah I think it's already a personal mini game that way, by that I mean you develop personal rituals within the game. I've heard my friends tell me a lot about their small personal rituals they do while playing.

Ah, I get what you mean. Also, in every GTA game I play, I have to do at least one crime on the beach. Be it a simple kill, some beating up, or running over people with a car I found on the street, just some kind of crime at the beach.

ray king

LOL, when it first came out, I found that to be the most hilarious thing every. Well its just computer generated folk, and I remember just driving all over the place smashing into everything. In fact along with my friends we used to spend some time just smashing and driving and seeing the reaction. But that fun is over now. I try not drive over people unless I have to.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I get what you mean. Also, in every GTA game I play, I have to do at least one crime on the beach. Be it a simple kill, some beating up, or running over people with a car I found on the street, just some kind of crime at the beach.
It's really a great sign of how much of a sandbox the game actually is and that it's very well made because even in other similar games I can't have as much fun with just my own rituals. I myself usually try and see how much I can get away with just using a katana or any other melee weapon.