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Project CARS Will Run at 60FPS on Xbox One

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Shawn Hopkins


The Xbox One has struggled, in some cases, to hit the 60 frames-per-second we were promised would be standard in this console generation.

But in a recent press release Slightly Mad Studios promised its game will run at that buttery framerate.

The company also dropped some Xbox One screenshots showing off the game on that platform. Check a few out in the gallery below. See even more here.

Project CARS will be out on Xbox One, PS4 and Windows March 17, 2015. It’s also coming to Wii U and Steam OS at a date to be determined in 2015.

The post Project CARS Will Run at 60FPS on Xbox One appeared first on Racing Game Central.

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Active Member
Oh, you mean the norm which PC games have been capable of achieving for a long time? Honestly I don't think its worthy news that consoles are only now catching up to PC capabilities. 60 FPS should have been the standard for a long time now, shame that consoles are holding PC games back.

Ghost Rider

Oh what the heck, I don't even notice the difference between 40 and 50 and 60 fps. Those who love technicalities will be excited with this. Not me. As long as the game plays well, I don't care about no fps.


Active Member
Oh, you mean the norm which PC games have been capable of achieving for a long time? Honestly I don't think its worthy news that consoles are only now catching up to PC capabilities. 60 FPS should have been the standard for a long time now, shame that consoles are holding PC games back.

What are you talking about? Consoles have been the driving force behind video game development and milestones for years now, DESPITE PCs having more processing power and better graphics. Up until very recently, console gaming was king as far as revenue and numbers were concerned. Except for exclusive titles, games often get developed for consoles first and PC second.


What are you talking about? Consoles have been the driving force behind video game development and milestones for years now, DESPITE PCs having more processing power and better graphics. Up until very recently, console gaming was king as far as revenue and numbers were concerned. Except for exclusive titles, games often get developed for consoles first and PC second.
The last few years they hacve been because of greedy console scumbags BUYING out the right to have the games developed for the console first. not by choice of the devs but by lure of money. see, watchdogs, titanfall etc etc. Consoles will see a larger revune because they are the same as a smartphone, easy to use, easy to buy, easy to play on, the market is "larger" in numbers purely because it requires no technical know how to use the system thus people will buy a console over say upgrading from a 14 year old PC to play new games because they have no idea what they're doing.


Oh what the heck, I don't even notice the difference between 40 and 50 and 60 fps. Those who love technicalities will be excited with this. Not me. As long as the game plays well, I don't care about no fps.
I can see the difference between all of those, it really depends on the game though. Like for FPS, you really can see the difference in frame rates, a racing game? running at 60fps means everything will be reaaally smooth but you can drop it down to 30 and its not too major unless the frames dip just below it then it will be really noticeable.


Well, congrats for anyone who can see the difference between 60 FPS and 30 FPS, you're a lucky guy, because most people don't notice any difference. It's slowly becoming a new standard to do 60 FPS, though the experience itself doesn't differ anything with 30 FPS, it's actually barely noticeable.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I notice e difference that much but I guess there is some subtle difference there. I don't really mind either because I just want a well made game that runs well, which I guess is what most console players ultimately will be saying because otherwise if honey really cared then they would set up PC rigs and play there.


This game can look at pretty as it wants in the end it's all about feel. If it doesn't feel as good as forza getting beautiful cars around the track it will be traded in for another game. If it does feel good and actually challenging and fun to drive then it will be a nice game to for with Forza just to change it up.


Active Member
This game can look at pretty as it wants in the end it's all about feel. If it doesn't feel as good as forza getting beautiful cars around the track it will be traded in for another game. If it does feel good and actually challenging and fun to drive then it will be a nice game to for with Forza just to change it up.

Pretty good point. Everything has to feel smooth and intuitive, or the game's going to crash and burn.

Miles Hansen

New Member
I agree with previous posters about the feel of the game being the most important thing, but honestly: How can all of you not notice the difference between 30 fps and 60? Try to clock 3 hours in a game with 60 fps and then turn it down to 30, it's incredibly noticeable, or at least that's what I think. Anyway, I'm glad that they aren't going for 30 fps, because I honestly don't think there's an excuse for that in 2014. Developers should get with the program in my opinion.


Active Member
Most people couldn't care less about the 30 vs. 60 fps debate, though. In racers, it DOES make a more noticeable difference, but in slower games it doesn't really matter nearly as much.