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One time game purchase vs in game purchases

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Ghost Rider

There are three categories of mobile games nowadays - free games, free games with in-app purchases, and paid games (one time purchase). Of course, we all want free games. But if you would choose between a game with in-app purchases (in order to unlock additional content) against a game wherein you should purchase it in full with a one time purchase, which would you pick?


Well-Known Member
I prefer just getting the paid full game, but I have to admit that the in game purchases kind of add a certain degree of charm to some of the games that work well with it. I don't want to see it become standard as I still would prefer that I have the same experience in a game that everyone else is getting, but in game purchases is pretty nice too and it at least has given small developers a better chance at earning more from their work.

Ghost Rider

Just exactly My line of thinking. In-game purchases tend to be much more costly in the long run. I'd rather pay a one time fee and get everything that a game has to offer. It's more economical and efficient that way.


I like one time payments. With in app purchases, you'll probably end up spending more money in the long run so it's better one time.


I will only buy ones that are a one-time purchase. I don't like the method that companies use of enticing you to spend more money once you have already paid a set figure.


Either free without ads or I'll just pay for a paid app, in-store micro transactions and annoying ads frustrate me to no end. Would much rather just fork out some $ for an optimal experience.


Well-Known Member
I agree, orz. Ads in games are pretty annoying especially when the developers seem like they are just throwing it on there. I think some other ones know how to time their ads right, though, and these ones I don't mind as much and I'm actually even glad that they are able to offer it for free this way.
I like purchasing one time only downloads. I agree with orz as well about the ads. Ads ruin some games, like Flappy bird. The ads on Flappy Bird make the game lag and slows it down.
I dislike in-app purchases, it's just my opinion. I feel like they ruin the overall gaming experience and only act as a barrier.


I like the ones that are free to play, but if you want the full version of the game you have to buy it, unlock it. I don't want to buy a game that sucks and that I don't want to play anymore when I try it for the first time. It is better to try it first to see if this is the type of game that you would even enjoy.


Well-Known Member
I dislike in-app purchases, it's just my opinion. I feel like they ruin the overall gaming experience and only act as a barrier.
Yeah I think the focus of the developers shift from making it difficult just because it makes sense onto making it difficult just to get you frustrated and pay up. I have no complaints for when they offer full unlocks though rather than having to spend a little bit each time it gets difficult.

ray king

Free games in-app purchases have become so much more interesting. so yeah F2P games with in-app pay.

There is also a fourth category now - Paid games with in-app purchases. The simplest of them being Fruit Ninja in android that you buy and also features in-app purchases. Google says that in the future they will not label free games with in-app purchases as free, lets see if that changes anything.
I prefer one time only game purchases. I like to know I've paid for the full game and I won't need to give any more to experience the game at its fullest. In my opinion games where you have to buy things in game all the time are a rip-off, because you don't know exactly how much you will spend on it the moment you buy it.


Well-Known Member
I prefer one time only game purchases. I like to know I've paid for the full game and I won't need to give any more to experience the game at its fullest. In my opinion games where you have to buy things in game all the time are a rip-off, because you don't know exactly how much you will spend on it the moment you buy it.
Same here. Paying fully at the start enables you to keep better track of your spendings, and I guess that's a big reason why companies prefer in game purchases.