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No More Guitar Hero

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Well-Known Member
I was actually a little sad to see this fad go. My friends actually preferred to have me come to their houses to play like a band during this time, but like in most games nowadays, it's much more convenient to do online. These types of games, however, were a godsend in my opinion, it was a great way to discover good old songs too, and I hope they come up with a new idea again soon to motivate people to come together as well as these games did. What did you think about Guitar Hero and similar games, did you have any favorite songs and discoveries?


New Member
They were great fun at parties, but not really a single player game.

Though lets be honest the market became over saturated due to releasing so much DLC and "new" versions every year...


What really saddened me was that DJ Hero got killed off too. That one was just getting started...


Well-Known Member
What really saddened me was that DJ Hero got killed off too. That one was just getting started...
I felt this way as well. Me and my friends were starting to move on to it when all of a sudden it just faded away seemingly so quickly.

Was never a fan TBH as a few of my friends are DJ's and it's just completely unrealistic...
I DJ too and yes it is extremely unrealistic. I don't mind though, the guitar and drums weren't any more realistic when compared to their actual instrument counterparts either.


I didn't want realism, I wanted fun. That's why I play these games. Guitar Hero was super unrealistic too, even if some people thought they could pick up a real guitar after playing it.

But yeah, it definitely fased away quickly. Hell, I think DJ Hero 2 had just come out when they announced that the franchise as a whole was canceled... really sad, it had potential. Specially because it had some cool mixes.


New Member
Agreed non of it was realistic, was just DJ Hero just irked me for some reason...

they were fun for a time but keeping up with DLC's etc was a bit much...

Oh if you want to try it there's frets on fire, i haven't used it in a while but there was loads of songs about for it.. :D


Well-Known Member
I didn't want realism, I wanted fun. That's why I play these games. Guitar Hero was super unrealistic too, even if some people thought they could pick up a real guitar after playing it.

But yeah, it definitely fased away quickly. Hell, I think DJ Hero 2 had just come out when they announced that the franchise as a whole was canceled... really sad, it had potential. Specially because it had some cool mixes.
Pour out some liquor for the fallen DJ Hero.. It will be missed. ;_;7

Agreed non of it was realistic, was just DJ Hero just irked me for some reason...

they were fun for a time but keeping up with DLC's etc was a bit much...

Oh if you want to try it there's frets on fire, i haven't used it in a while but there was loads of songs about for it.. :D
Open sourced music game? That actually sounds pretty neat! I'm going to check this out further, thanks!


I have definitely heard about Frets on Fire. I think I tried it out too, but it just didn't feel that good compared to GH. Worth checking out, though.


I remember skipping high school pep rallies with my buddies to sneak off and play rock band at one of their houses. Ultimately, the instruments are just too flimsy and too expensive to be anything more than a fad which is a damn shame, because those games were fun as hell when you got a crew together. I think a way they can bring it back is to just have one game, but keep updating it instead of releasing like 3 sequels in one console generation.

Ghost Rider

Ah man, I didn't think that pressing controllers in line with the rhythm was would be too damn addicting. I all started with Um Jammer Lammy. Then it continued to Bust a Grove (not to be confused with Bust a Move). I then got acquainted to DDR (which I never liked) then I moved on to Guitar Hero. I guess a lot of people got tired of simply pressing buttons to the tune of music. That's why it probably died.


Well-Known Member
Ah man, I didn't think that pressing controllers in line with the rhythm was would be too damn addicting. I all started with Um Jammer Lammy. Then it continued to Bust a Grove (not to be confused with Bust a Move). I then got acquainted to DDR (which I never liked) then I moved on to Guitar Hero. I guess a lot of people got tired of simply pressing buttons to the tune of music. That's why it probably died.
This is definitely a bit more playable to me than DDR because I don't have to move as much lol. DDR is fun too but it's too tiring and since you need a lot of practice just to be somewhat good at it then it just takes too much out of you.

Ghost Rider

Here's all the info of using the gutar hero stuff with frets on fire for PC if anyone's interested :D
Cool! However, the guitar hero guitar of my cousin no longer works. I had frets on fire installed in my PC too. I got tired of it though so I removed the game.

This is definitely a bit more playable to me than DDR because I don't have to move as much lol. DDR is fun too but it's too tiring and since you need a lot of practice just to be somewhat good at it then it just takes too much out of you.
Lol. Yep. All that moves are your fingers while in DDR, you need to move your feet. That is, if you're using a dance pad. But if you're just using a regular controller, you have two similar games with different music.


That's kind of surprising but Rhythm game have really lost their.. touch..
It's been a long time since they were really popular and it's kinda sad really.. I do love them oh so much.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Yep. All that moves are your fingers while in DDR, you need to move your feet. That is, if you're using a dance pad. But if you're just using a regular controller, you have two similar games with different music.

True, but it's no fun playing these games on a regular controller lol.

Anyway, good news to all our guitar hero fans here, it seems like they are planning on making new ones soon!


Well-Known Member
They said they're planning new Rock Band and Dance Central. My daughter will be pretty happy about the Dance Central.
I heard about this too! I know I'm happy about it, but I wonder what changed their mind finally. Anyway I'm glad your daughter will have another favorite to add to her list. I'm sure you guys will have a blast with it.


I heard about this too! I know I'm happy about it, but I wonder what changed their mind finally. Anyway I'm glad your daughter will have another favorite to add to her list. I'm sure you guys will have a blast with it.
Actually, my daughter said that the recent installment of Dance Central (Dance Central: Spotlight, I believe it's called) was a bit disappointing, according to the footage that she saw on Youtube. It apparently wasn't a full-on sequel to the Dance Central series. It drastically changed the character designs and even excluded some characters. It also didn't truly feature new choreography. Just a somewhat lazy reusing of old dance moves from the DC series. This is according to my daughter, by the way. Hopefully, the new Rock Band game will be more promising.


Well-Known Member
Actually, my daughter said that the recent installment of Dance Central (Dance Central: Spotlight, I believe it's called) was a bit disappointing, according to the footage that she saw on Youtube. It apparently wasn't a full-on sequel to the Dance Central series. It drastically changed the character designs and even excluded some characters. It also didn't truly feature new choreography. Just a somewhat lazy reusing of old dance moves from the DC series. This is according to my daughter, by the way. Hopefully, the new Rock Band game will be more promising.
It is a bit disheartening to see developers phone in the sequel but I guess it happens in any industry. I think they will be making the new guitar hero as full as they can though since they probably will want to make a big splash with their reintroduction into the market.