Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

My friend is always on his phone playing Zenonia these days.

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


And he got me interested......

Should I play it? Because it's actually my first time playing a RPG on mobile. I always think that RPG is more suitable for consoles and PC, but it's okay if I try it right?

Anyone play that game before? Share your comments about the game here!


I remember playing Zenonia III back in the day on my iTouch, its really like any mobile game its not all that good compared to the experience you could have on a PC. That said its not bad though although just frustrating more than anything, RPGs really do not work on portable devices.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Most of the time mobile games are a bit of a poor substitute for physical controllers, but I think turn based RPGs might be alright on them since it has less to do with reaction and more just about pressing the right buttons although I've never really tried it myself. I looked up this game and it doesn't seem to be turn based, but it looks alright to me, I'd guess it's a pretty average game and I'll probably try it out for myself too. Thanks for the share!


Yeah, turn-based games are easier to get used to on a phone. I got a friend who play a pokemon-like game on his phone, and it actually works a lot like NDS or 3DS, so there's not much difficulty in getting used to the controls, interface, etc. But games that require moving around and button pressing often don't actually work for phones I guess. Imagine playing street fighters on a phone >_>

Ghost Rider

Zenonia is the very first RPG that I have downloaded and played on my mobile device. I was pretty impressed with how the game looked and played. The 2D graphics looked beautiful on my smallish phone. And the gameplay? Boy was I surprised. It played like Legend of Zelda!

I never expected such a deep and rewarding RPG in something I downloaded for free.


Is the game hard? I heard from my friend about how he struggled with the final boss because the boss have some sort of a duplicate ability? Aside from fighting the last boss you have to fight a mirror version of yourself, or something like that >_>
I like challenges sometimes, but if it is hard for most of the time I think it might not be the right game for me :p

Ghost Rider

To be honest, it could be hard if you don't level up high enough before fighting a boss. What Zenonia did your friend play? I was only able to play part 2 and part 3. Oh, and items and weapons and armor are important too. You need to bring the best equipment that you have. It could be repetitive trying to level up but it's needed if you want to get past different bosses.