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Most anticipated games this year?

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Active Member
What are some titles you're looking forward to the release and what are your expectations? This would be a good chance to inform other gamers too.


Well the most anticipated was GTA5 and that is out now.

The next big one for me is the new Need for Speed - I am hoping that they will provide a smashing game unlike their last few.


I find GTA V to be the most anticipated and waited game, this year.

It is great and is worth all the attention and profit, it has made.


For me, it would be Battlefield 4, though I assume for most people it really is GTA V. Only reason it isn't mine is because I'm not much of a console gamer.


I can't wait when Dayz Standalone game will come out. For those who don't know what Dayz is it is a online zombie survival shooter game. It was one of the first games to claim this genre and so far is the most popular one. Tho when I say game I mean mod. Dayz was originally a mod for ARMA II game. But now the developers are working on make a full-fledged game out of Dayz and it should be coming out this year.


Right now, I think it was Grand Theft Auto V, The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. Those three games came out and they were highly anticipated. Games that haven't came out? The Stanley Parable, the full game. The third game in the series, Batman: Arkham Origins and Assassin Creed 4, The Division and Watch Dogs. This year was such a good year for gaming.


I am waiting for Watch Dogs, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Assassin's Creed 4 : Black Flag. Cannot wait to play these games on the PC with a new graphics card, so I can max out all these games on the highest settings on a new 1440P monitor!
I am highly anticipating these three games, ready to play with my friends :).


For me, my most anticipated games this year were: GTA V, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Battlefield 4. I love GTA V and Battlefield 4, i'm hoping that Ghosts will be fun as well.


There were a lot of anticipated games in late 2013. Call of duty ghost and Battlefield 4 were among them while GTA V was still being anticipated by pc gamers. This year saw Watch dogs as the most anticipated game and with good reason.

ray king

Well as of now the game that I am looking forward to is 'The Crew' and 'Assassins Creed Unity'. One is a new awesome car racing game which has its own category in the racing forums, in the stage of beta testing, and the other is a amazing game series that is just fun to play.


Most anticipating games this year would probably be GTA V for the PC and the new gen consoles. I would love to see if there are any improvements from the earlier release, mainly in the graphics, maybe they will change something with the gameplay also. I can't wait to try it on my PC.


GTA 5 definitely (Grand Theft Auto V).
Everyone loves a bit of GTA, unless you're young. I haven't got it, but most of my friends have it.


My most anticipated game for this year for PC is GTA V for PC. With how good GTA V is on the Xbox 360 with all of its 512 mb of ram and weak system, I can't imagine what improvements can be made on a PC. I am also excited for the modding, as soon as it goes up for pre-order on steam, it is going to be pre-ordered and then pre-downloaded when the time comes.


It has to be the new UFC by EA Sports...
My last gaming system was N64, but I'm buying the PS4 for sure!
Of course, this has less to do with actual gaming, and more with MMA addiction. The game looks awesome though...


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting to get Watch Dogs although I'm not sure I would if I would like it that much or not once I actually get to play it. I'm just hoping it is good enough because I really like games in city settings.