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Most anticipated game (Generally)?

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What was your most anticipated game? Whether it was released or not, which one was it?
I'm having a struggle choosing between The Division and Watchdogs, both seem great! Graphics and game play wise.


Does Half-Life 3 count? ;)

I'm racking my brain, and honestly can't think of anything that I desperately "anticipated". I am looking forwards to GTA5 on the PC though, so there's that I suppose.


GTA V on the PC is definitely at the top of my list. Here's a title that you've likely not heard of recently, but another Leisure Suite Larry would be pretty great, those games were always hysterical.
I had been following the development of Cube World for a long time and was pretty excited when it realeased.

Turned out to be a major disappointment. The dev never communicates and hasn't released an update in over two months. There's a huge lack of content and the game is pretty repetitive.


Games that typically take a long time to get released attract a lot of hype. I was waiting for The Last of Us to come out for a long time. I was not disappointed of the game at all. Battlefield 3 took almost a decade to come out, but it was also anticipated at a peak. Probably the one game I'm really excited for is either Half Life 3, but that was confirmed. A game that might be a rumor is Borderlands 3, and if it is true, I would love to play that game. I loved Borderlands 2 and can't wait for the sequel.


As always, I am looking forward to a lot of games right now, especially because of next-gen games -

1.) Destiny

2.) The Division

3.) The Crew

4.) Watch Dogs

5.) Assassins Creed 4


Most anticipated games for me for this year would probably be these three:

1. Watch Dogs

2. Assassin's Creed 4

3. Battlefield 4

These are obviously my list of games for PC, but I am highly anticipating Destiny as I am a big fan of Bungie and the Halo saga. I really do hope that Bungie considers making a PC port of Destiny, it would just be total epicness.
Destiny , it looks like so much fun. I cant wait. An FPS MMO?, count me in!. I just hope it doesn't get delayed again, I just cant wait.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to Drive Club and Watch Dogs most of all. It was all I was looking forward to with the release of PS4, but unfortunately both have been delayed and I'm now feeling less inclined to buy the new generation of consoles and considering a PC instead so hopefully they will also be released for PC when they are eventually released.


GTA V probably, since a lot of people have been waiting for it, or probably some kind of FIFA game. I play League of Legends the most though.


I'm most hyped for the GTA V comming to the PC and the new gen consoles. I can't imagine the improvement in graphics and maybe there'll be something else different in this release of the game. I've been waiting for this game to come out for the PC since it was released for the old consoles.