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Mario Kart 8 on Oculus Rift?

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Ghost Rider

Mario Kart is okay the way it is. It's an excellent game with great graphics and fun game play. But, what if a version for the Oculus Rift was made? Do you think that it will improve or hamper the experience?

I personally would want to try out MK8 Oculus Rift version. IMO, it would improve your experience with the game.


New Member
Its a good idea, but it's pretty obvious that any Mario Kart, let alone racing, game on the Oculus Rift would be absolutely unbelievable. Maybe in the future. We'll just have to wait and see.


Active Member
It would be more of a gimmick than anything at this point. I'd rather just play the game in its original form. The Oculus Rift is fun enough, but I'm not that big of a fan yet.
I think playing Mario Kart with the Occulus Rift would be amazing. Just the thought of seeing a red shell coming right at you and knowing you can't escape would make it so fun with all the yelling. I think I would get dizzy after being hit by an item and spinning out of control 20 times in one race though.


I don't know. Mario Kart might be a little too hectic for an Oculus Rift version. Some people might get motion sickness, dizziness, or even epileptic seizures. I think that if they are going to do that, these should be warnings for the VR usage.


I don't really think it would translate well to the Oculus least not as it stands right now. If you think the version we all know and love is chaotic, imagine how it would be in could be literally nauseating, among other things. I think eventually it could end up being an okay medium for racing games, but I'm not so sure it would work with Mario Kart.


This is a great idea you've stumbled on. I think I'd enjoy it. It'd provide the adrenaline of racing in real life without the risk. I don't think I'd want it right now, but in the next few years. If we wait a while developers will have a better grasp of the system and it'd be even better.


This is a great idea you've stumbled on. I think I'd enjoy it. It'd provide the adrenaline of racing in real life without the risk. I don't think I'd want it right now, but in the next few years. If we wait a while developers will have a better grasp of the system and it'd be even better.
I agree. There's a few racing games that would be cool on the Oculus Rift. Maybe even a driving simulator, for those who can't drive, but want to feel the feeling like they can. Still, we're at the beginning of VR technology. I think that they need a few more years of testing and refining the technology.


I don't really think it would translate well to the Oculus least not as it stands right now. If you think the version we all know and love is chaotic, imagine how it would be in could be literally nauseating, among other things. I think eventually it could end up being an okay medium for racing games, but I'm not so sure it would work with Mario Kart.
Yeah, we don't want to risk people getting motion sickness, dizziness, or seizures. They should wait until they got the VR specs and technology down pat.
I would get dizzy fast. Most Oculus games are first person, yes?

Think.. Don't you spin wildly when you get hit by things in Mario Kart? :p
Mario Kart on Oculus Rift is an interesting idea; it would be a very cool driving experience. However, like the post above me says, you spin A LOT whenever getting hit by something in Mario Kart. Constantly falling off of cliffs, flipping over twice from red shells, and spinning around 3 times from banana peels will definitely make at least a few people sick.


I think Virtual Reality is better used on ultra-realistic games...
But Mario Kart is Mario Kart.... It's always good.
I really can't see it happen though.


Active Member
Oculus Rift definitely has potential when it comes to racing games, as seen from it running Live for Speed:

However, Mario Kart would be pretty ridiculous to run on Oculus Rift. The graphics are simply not up to scratch, making the experience quite unnatural. Also the sudden changes in speed and angle, like when you get hit by a shell, would be quite nauseating. Overall I feel that Oculus Rift is better suited for serious, professional racing games like Gran Turismo.


I haven't had the chance to test an Oculus Rift yet but I don't think Mario Kart would be a game to play with it. I think it should be used for games that are more realistic, as mentioned above. Mario Kart would probably give me headaches for days and I'd much rather play it on a big screen with my friends. The biggest reason I play Mario Kart is because it's so much fun with friends, I feel like playing it on the OR will take some of its fun away


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much I'd enjoy it. I'm already skeptical enough of OR as it is, and I'm seriously doubting that playing a racing game near my face would make my enjoyment of it increase. I'd have to try it out for a proper judgement but as it is I'd consider myself highly skeptical.


The Rift won't work on consoles, so maybe some time in the future, for sure, when we have an emulator. It's possible to play MK Wii with a rift right now, there are videos of that all over the internet!


One, you'll never see the Rift running on a Nintendo console. Nintendo will either come out with their own half-baked solution, or nothing at all. And two, the Rift is better suited for first person games, which MK8 is not.


I would probably enjoy it a lot, because I can't wait for the virtual reality gaming to become mainstream. I know that Oculus Rift is just the begining, but to get the feeling that you're in the game yourself should be amazing. I would definetely play this game on Oculus Rift if there would be an option to play it this way. I think that this would make the experience a lot better, you would feel that you have mroe control over the character in the game.


The funny thing is I could see a horror version of Mario Kart coming out for Oculus. Of course, it won't be official or anything but it would be scary in my opinion.