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Manual or Automatic?

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Ghost Rider

Most racing games give you the option to choose whether you want manual transmission (wherein you must control the shifting of the gears yourself) or automatic transmission (the AI controls gear shifting). I have always chosen automatic shifting as I don't want to trouble myself more during a race. Which setting do you prefer?


I prefer to use an automatic mode. In most cases you will be doing some crazy maneuvers that will require concentration and automatic can do that.


Well-Known Member
I just use automatic. I have a hard time determining when I should shift when I'm playing on home consoles, but back when I was playing in arcades, I usually pick manual because that's more fun.

Danilo Bojic

New Member
I'm used to the manual transmission, to be honest, it let's me control the entry into a curve and it's good for max engine revving.


Always automatic for me. I tried to get into manual years ago but it just gives you too much to think about in the race, and you don't generally get the benefits that manual brings you in the real world.


New Member
Most racing games give you the option to choose whether you want manual transmission (wherein you must control the shifting of the gears yourself) or automatic transmission (the AI controls gear shifting). I have always chosen automatic shifting as I don't want to trouble myself more during a race. Which setting do you prefer?
I stick to manual in real life, but in gaming, just automatic is the only way to go. Think about it, you are doing 200mph overtaking, and a really fast corner comes up, you know that all you have to do is just tap the brakes and you are fine, but do you need to lower the gear? remember that if you dont your car will stall and you will be overtaken. Period


Well-Known Member
I use automatic all the time. Manual will be more work for me. Can't think about shifting while racing.
Me too, especially with games these days wherein everything is very technical and accurate, so you'd really have to be in full attention and if you're using manual then that's just another thing you'd have to worry about. it does add a fair amount of challenge and glory, though.


I like to use the manual option versus automatic. I like being in control of what gear I am in. I also like the manual option because I have a steering wheel with a shift knob and it is just fun using it, lol.

Jun Yun

I use automatic all the time because I don't have a wheel. In the off chance I actually get to borrow a wheel, if the lets you, I'll pick manual. Nothing beats shifting through a gated shifter. Amazing experience.


I always pick automatic in racing games too. Just like everybody has said, there's so much going on in racing games that I find it pretty hard to play manual. I prefer to avoid being frustrated by the controls so I just pick auto.


Manual is hard for me I normally just stick to playing automatic. I try manual every once in a while though just to keep practicing to be able to play it normally like automatic.
I usually go for AT, unless I'm playing some sort of simulator, but even then it's easier to play automatic instead of stick. I've heard that MT gives you the edge if you time it in certain games like Gran Turismo where we are talking about engine and tire damage (including suspension).


When I was younger I used automatic always when I played racing games. Now that I'm older and I know how to shift gears up and down I like to play the games with manual transmition. I think that, that way you get more control over your car and over your speed and accelation.

Denis Hard

I prefer automatic transmission because then all I need to concern myself with is accelerating, steering and probably when the need for it arises, slowing down. Nonetheless for those who prefer manual transmission I'd understand you need more control but doesn't it make it harder if you're shifting gears but at the same time do all the other stuff?


Well-Known Member
@xilezaturo - I thought this too, but whatever edge I could possibly get from using manual only backfires because I end up messing it up all the time, and when my opponent is using AT and has not much else to worry about, I usually get left far behind beause of it. :D
Even though I'm a manual maniac in real life, and would never go for an automatic, in games I always use the automatic one. It's more fun to play.


Manual, makes me feel like a badass when I shift from gear to gear with my driving controllers, most effective in games like Gran Turismo