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Manual or Automatic?

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I always go with automatic. I'm used to driving an automatic in real life so I just stick with it for games too. It also lets me pull of some moves with less difficulty.


In any racing game I've played I've always gone for automatic. I started with it because I was young when I played my first racing game and wanted an easier time. ever since then I've just sticked to it and never tried changing it up because I'm so used to automatic


Active Member
As someone who does not have a controller wheel, I don't see a point in using manual. Clicking buttons does not emulate the feel of shifting gear at all, hence I stick with automatic transmission.

This is also why I dislike drag racing game modes, shifting gears without a gear shaft feels totally unreal and unnatural.


Another Automatic noob, I might start experimenting more with Manual once I actually learn to drive a stick IRL, as I'll have to since I'm going to drive our truck.


I prefer manual transmission because it gives me the option to shift gears the way i want and i got the feeling that i'm driving my way. Maybe also because of that i live in a country where we have cars with manual transmissions and that's why i prefer manuals over automatic. I also think that manual transmission shifts better and you can accelerate better and faster.
I prefer automatic by far. I like to concentrate more on the braking, drifting and track rather than timing the gear change. However, this is only true for me with more recent racing games, in more old-school games, it was actually quite fun to shift gears.


Even though in real life I'd go for manual all the way, in racing games I choose automatic, it would be too much of a distraction from driving and keeping the right direction if you had to change it manual.
I use automatic all the time myself. The only time I recall ever using manual was for a Moto GP game on ps2, was trying to beat the lap times of my cousin and the only way to shave off a few tens of a second was to use manual shifting through the corners and at high speed. Although I played that game on the same track for weeks on end to get to the point where the difference between manual and automatic made any difference at all.


I have never done manual transmission in a racing game before, so it's always been automatic for me. It would be interesting to try and see how accurate is to real manual driving though. Also it'd be cool to feel the speed at your fingertips.


Active Member
Manual's easy enough to use in most racing games, and it does provide benefits, especially going into and out of turns.


I tend to stick with manual if I am given the choice. Things seem to flow a little bit better when I am more control for some reason. When I play with auto then I am a little bit more sloppy with my turning.
When I was younger I didn't understand manual. But when I got older I tried I again and fell in love with it. Really it is the only way to win a race against other manuals. With a manual/w clutch in Forza you can power shift, rev match, clutch kick, and rev the guts out of the engine. Some people say that a manual is a burden, but that is only because they keep forgetting that they have to shift. By the time they remember they are bouncing off the rev limiter.


I drive automatic and like to do the same when I am playing games. I don't like to have to think about switching it up and messing around with shifting when I am racing. I don't mind it in arcade games, but not when I am playing on my Xbox or PC. It gets annoying at times.


Well-Known Member
I always go with automatic. I'm used to driving an automatic in real life so I just stick with it for games too. It also lets me pull of some moves with less difficulty.
Yeah it's definitely much easier to pull of drifting and making sharp turns when all Yu have to worry about is pressing break instead of having to fiddle with extra buttons for shifting.


New Member
Automatic just because I'm simply very mediocre at driving. I have to practice but damnit, I play video games for the time off!


New Member
I drive an automatic in real life because it's a hassle to use manual transmission, so of course i'll choose the same in videogames, haha. I'd love to actually learn how to drive a manual though.
when i am driving a manual i feel more in control of the car. you need to know everything about whats going on around you or else you're stalling out!!


New Member
I think it really depends for me, to be honest. When I first began playing MK, I always had mine set on automatic because I was terrible at deciding when I needed to drift. But after playing ModNation Racers and Sonic All Star Racing, I became more comfortable with drifting and have become a better racer since :p Now, I would say that if I want to play a more relaxed game where I don't need to be worrying about anything but getting to first, I'll play automatic. But when I want to give myself a bit of a challenge, I play manual.