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Is the Mario Kart franchise running out of creative ideas?

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Well-Known Member
This is my fear for most media that I love including shows that I watch but I'm continually surprised. I think they will always find new things to add here and there to keep the game fresh. Tekken, for example, is basically still the same it was decades ago but the developers have managed to keep it fresh for multiple sequels so I don't think the Mario Kart team is any different. They will figure it out because millions of dollars are at stake.


Nintendo are pretty crappy. That said, since the last MK I played was the one on DS, I'm down for buying this one. But really what they should keep doing is making the current game better and updating it, without too much DLC and a lot of free stuff.
There are tons of possible ideas for Mario Kart, both unimplemented and possible ones. With the addition of Link, they could expand the arsenal and maps and mechanics to other Nintendo franchises, and it could become a healthy mix, sort of like Smash Bros. If they want to restrain themselves to the Mario franchise, there are still tons of unimplemented ideas from past Mario games, and hundreds to come.


I don't think that they've run out of idea, they can still add some things in the future Mario Karts. I expect that there will be some changes in the game itself when they release a new one, because they have to make something new. But if they change it too much, then some people will stop liking it, we'll see how the new release will look like.


Well-Known Member
There's no possible way to release games of the similar type over and over again. Everything has an end.
I disagree. There are lots of games out there who have only done minor tweaks in each new version and they remain to be beloved. Admittedly however, it's mostly due to blind love by their followers like me for some games, but it is what it is and as long as it is fun I will keep buying the new ones for the subtle changes.


I still think that there are a lot of things that could keep the game moving forward but I will tell you that right now I think that the game is the most fun that I have ever had on the WII U and every single one of the Mario Kart games that they make to me just keeps getting better and better and I am waiting for the day that I see a Mario Kart game that I do not enjoy. When that day comes I really think that it will be the end for Nintendo because when Mario gets boring then the WII U gets boring.


New Member
I have enjoyed Mario Kart for years. I have enjoyed some of the new features in each franchise. I know they will come up with something of use with time, they always do.
Well, even if they do run out of ideas, they can just brush up the graphics a tiny bit and add another character, maybe a new track, and to everyone it'll be a new game. I mean, look at Call of Duty. They ran out of ideas 5 or 6 years ago, but that doesn't stop them from selling games like hot bread.
Nintendo is a comoany that always tries to be innovative in every game release they make. So, even though we might not see any way to improve Mario Kart I'm sure they will surprise us with something even more amazing in the future.

Ghost Rider

A racing game will always be a racing game. With every new installment of games, one thing will always be prevalent - the graphics. That's the thing that they will first focus on. And Mario Kart does not disappoint. MK8 is light-years better than its predecessors. Also, MK8 is as fun so always. You've heard the saying that you don't fix what ain't broken right? They just have to add a little bit of this and that.


New Member
The thing with Mario Kart, there is a long list of versions. With these versions, Mario Kart is always being reinvented to fit the newer generations so no it won't ever run out of creative ideas. Every generation has its own tastes and styles so even if they have to reinvent in how the game play functions and stuff like that, Mario Kart will never be boring.
As much as I don't like to say it, I do think that the series has been getting stale. We haven't seen new mechanics for a couple years now and they rely on nostalgia for most of their sales. Seeing characters like good old mario and luigi is the only reason many of us still come back. I think its time for some new ideas, perhaps a crossover with sonic?


I don't think the franchise is getting stale, the latest game has been the better received one ever I think, with maybe the exception of Mario Kart 64.
They just added air and water courses, so we might some further innovation coming further along.
I don't think Papa Nintendo would let this franshise die out anytime soon. I'm thinking space, just like Jasonreid said. Or, they COULD turn to other character's worlds and make them race tracks. After all, they've done it with Captain Falco and Link's world.
I have said this for awhile now. I don't think it is limited to Mario Karts, but the entire Mario franchise in general. I have loved the games my whole life, but they just don't change enough. The graphics get better, but there's only so much you can do with cartoon-like characters, I suppose. But the games are just repackaged, with slight alterations, and reissued for the next system. Mario Karts suffers from this worse than the rest of franchise. I am not a game developer, but I think it needs a major overhaul.


New Member
Guys, don't take the title thread the wrong way. Personally, I love Mario Kart. It was my sole purpose for even buying the Wii U in the first place. And while I've been playing it so much I'm afraid to burn out my Wii U, I can't help but wonder if the ideas are starting to run dry for the game at Nintendo.

Regardless, we know it will sell well. But when I look at the franchise from the start in the SNES era to now, I have to wonder just what else can they do for the game? What inventive ideas can they give it at this point in terms of a cart racing game?
It's like they are experiencing some form of burn out at the creative designs department but i can only hope that they do something about it and come up with some fresh,captivating and exciting ideas.


Some people seem to find it annoying that mario kart always stays the same with only slight changes, myself, I find that a really nice thing. I've always enjoyed mario kart, and I love how they release totally different tracks every new release, even though it's not really innovative compared to the older versions.

But they change items, add characters, now there's even link in the DLC. That's what I like so much, there's no big difference, but just the small things which change and make it better. Indeed, they can't continue selling the same game over and over again, but that's not what they're doing, they're still adding those little things which make a difference. At some point, they'll run out of ideas and then they're done, but I like the way how it's going now.