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Is 8 the best Mario Kart ever?

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I think it definitely is the best in the series. They pretty much did something similar to what Smash Bros is doing this year. They took the best out of the game and improved it immensely. That's what I like about Nintendo, they always have new ideas, but they also have a formula of not fixing what's not broken.


New Member
I honestly loved Mario Kart 8; the graphics were much clearer and it felt awesome to play as Link in the DLC! In my opinion this is my favorite Mario Kart game right now!


It's the best to date. No doubt in my mind. There is a lot of pressure to do better on the next sequel. You always have to do a one up.
I haven't tired it yet, but I'm looking forward to. Maybe I'll try it at the gaming store before I buy it, that is if they let me! I've played many Mario Karts and I really do enjoy all of them.


Overall, I would have to give the edge to Mario Kart 8 compared to the games that came before it.

I would too. You see the thing about it is that technology is advancing so we really cannot class it with the other Mario KARTS before it. It is a really nice and fun game though.


New Member
Although Mario 8 is fun, it is not the best. I am more of a classics kind of guy so I would have to say the Nintendo 64 version of Mario Kart is the best for me. Gotta love them classics.


New Member
Nope, I do not think it's THE best, but I do think nintendo did a great job on the game. MKWii is my favourite game, maps feel a lot better as well as items. I also preferred bikes over karts which MK8 nerfed a lot ;_;.
I agree. Though, I DO miss the SNES days of kart racing, like the mini battle games. They dropped the ball on that this time around. :(
Every Mario Kart seems ot improve on the old one, while still keeping the same formula that makes Mario Kart os fun and great. I really like 8, but I have more nostalgia for the classic N64 one. Based off features, I would say 8 is the best, since it has the most fun when playing with friends and family.


Well-Known Member
I think it definitely is the best in the series. They pretty much did something similar to what Smash Bros is doing this year. They took the best out of the game and improved it immensely. That's what I like about Nintendo, they always have new ideas, but they also have a formula of not fixing what's not broken.
Good point. I think a lot of developers tend to either recycle original mechanics too much or change it too drastically. Nintendo definitely has a knack for changing things up just right for their flagship titles and I like that they also aren't afraid to have their characters appear on other genres.


As a massive fan of the N64 version who thought it would never be toppled, I have to say after playing Mario Kart 8 I have entirely changed my mind. I think it is the most complete, fun, and original experience any Mario Kart has to offer. Everything, from the physics to the mechanics are perfect. What are your thoughts on this? Do you guys agree with me?
I haven't played Mario Kart, but I would like to. I am still a fan of the N64 version. Nintendo was ahead of its time in a few ways.


I haven't played Mario Kart, but I would like to. I am still a fan of the N64 version. Nintendo was ahead of its time in a few ways.

Yea they were but not anymore. But what they did produce was some quality stuff. And since they set the market before Sony, Microsoft they really have a lot of good memories with gamers.
I wouldn't say it's THE BEST, but it is good. Unlike SOME companies, they try to minimize the amount of glitches. (Coughs, EA, COUGHS!) What I would say is the best is the original one. It set a new type of bar when it made Mario Kart during the cartridge era. *Sighs* I miss those days, you just can't beat the classics...Except with better graphics, but I digress.