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In terms of racing, how good is GTA V?

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New Member
It's decent enough for a non racing game, surprisingly handles well with mosue and keyboard as well which I found amazing to say the least. Most games usually fail horribly with just a keyboard but I am actually able to drive better on kb and mouse than with a controller.


New Member
The racing of the game feels mediocore. I don't believe the game itself is designed to be a racing name (despite its title) but still handles a decent job of having a racing concept. In the end I think GTA is faced more towards other concepts disregarding racing.
I'd say about 8.5/10. The physics is alright. But then again, the game wasn't meant to be a racing game. But having that feature in the game definitely deserves it some credit.


New Member
It is okay. It's about the same as other games. The steering is a little rough at first. Racing isn't the primary focus though.
I would rate it 8/10 as it is better in controlling rather than other non-racing games. It is not a racing game but it is still fine to drive the fast cars and bikes. Basically, it is not a racing game by its nature.


New Member
Not the greatest but at the same time pretty important and large part of the overall game, so I guess you can see it either way. I like the driving most but that is just me.


Active Member
I would give a 8 out of 10. :)

The racing aspect in GTA V is pretty effective and exciting for me. It could be better, but I like it a lot.


New Member
It's fine as expected in a GTA game. Typically when you play GTA games, you really shouldn't expect great physics or controls, but its alright enough to feel decent. The steering isn't the best but it's far from worse either.


New Member
I'm surprised that a lot of people here feel that GTAV isn't as good as other racing games like Need for Speed and others because I feel that it's really one of the best as compared to everything else that's out there.


Yes the steering seems weird and quite "loose" if you drive the faster cars or a bit "hard" if you drive the bulkier or slower cars. It's quite acceptable though, but what I don't like is that the faster cars tend to blow up more easily than the slower cars.
In terms of racing, Grand Theft Auto V is awful, to be honest. Racing in this game is just not enjoyable because it doesn't feel real at all. Unless you like an arcade type racing game, this is not the game to enjoy racing. For me, Grand Theft Auto IV was a lot better for racing because you actually had to be good at driving to win races. The cars were not easy to handle and you actually had to think about slowing down/turning. With GTA V, even noobs can win races. Just go as fast as you can, hit other cars and turn.


New Member
I would say that it is much more than what you may expect, but then again I can probably say that about most racing games. I am easily satisfied as long as I can ride around.


It's pretty fun. Not too arcade-y, and not too realistic like GTA IV. Driving felt like a chore in that game. Of course it's not as good as some racing sims but GTA has other gameplay elements that those games don't have.


I guess it's just same as many other motor racing games out there. I think there are rooms for some positive mods if the game should stand out better or become delight of more
I would give it a 7/10, although it's not as good as the actual racing games out there, it's okay because GTA is not all about racing at all. Also, for me the steering of the wheel is weird somehow. But I love the designs of cars though.


New Member
Well because GTA isn't really focused on the driving and more on the shooting and chaos you can cause by shooting everyone, the driving isn't that good but it isn't that bad either. I enjoyed driving around the town but if you want a better driving experience I recommend you pick a good driving game like Forza or Need For Speed.


New Member
I think that you have to be in a little different mood to enjoy the racing here. It is not quite the same as getting on the track and racing like in the actual racing games, at least not for me.