Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

How much did you pay for MK8?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Active Member
Here's a random question. Mario Kart 8 was obviously $60 upon its release, and the game still costs that much on Amazon. It's held its price very well since release, but how much did you pay for it? I actually received a copy for $45, thanks to a 25% discount for working Black Friday at Walmart this past year. :p


Active Member
I bought it a full price, and I have no regrets. Nintendo games are one of the few games that I buy on release since they have stringent beta testing and quality testing unlike certain other publishers *cough* Ubisoft *cough* EA
A friend of mine was selling his Wii U and the games he had for it. Since I already had a Wii U, he gave me Mario Kart 8 at 30$, so you could say I got it at a really nice price.


Well-Known Member
I got to play it for free because I have a friend who I trade games with. We always exchange games so we both get to save a lot since we don't have to purchase each game we like and instead mostly just half of them.


I paid full price for it when it came out. I think it was well worth it though. There are some games that I paid full price for that I didn't play for more than a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I paid full price for it when it came out. I think it was well worth it though. There are some games that I paid full price for that I didn't play for more than a few weeks.
Yeah this is definitely worth a full price purchase. It's well made and you can tell the developers put some love into it instead of just treating it as a cash grab.
I bought it from a friend for $45. I wanted the game for a few months, but I always try to get the best deal and not pay full price. It was about $40 on the Nintendo Eshop for a week, but I decided I would rather have a physical copy.


Active Member
I'd have to agree and say that Mario Kart 8 is one of the few games worth paying full price for without hesitation.
I got it for full price on release day. I have always been a fan of the Mario Kart games, so I did not mind paying full price. It turned out to be a wise decision because the game is awesome and I would do it all again.
I didn't buy the game personally. I've been playing it on my friend's Wii. I think he paid around $60 or something like that.


I've bought Mario Kart for $40 dollars from my friend. My friends Wii was busted and can't buy new Wii since my friend can't afford it right now so my friend sold it to me.


I think that I did not pay that much. With me what I like to do is to avoid buying video games when they have just been released. I like to let the game come out and then get a few reviews on the game and see if it would be something that I would like to get. I think that down here the price was about $40 so I would say that I think it was good and fair.


Active Member
The game still costs $60 on Amazon, which is a testament to how well first-party Mario games keep their value over time.


New Member
I ended up paying full price for it, as I wanted the game as soon as it came out. As a Mario Kart fanatic I simply could not wait for the price to drop, and so I bought it as soon as I was able to! No regrets at all either. :)


Active Member
I actually got it for free from one of my friends as a gift for my birthday. I don't know how much he paid actually but it was around ~40$ I think. He really knew how much I loved the game.