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How Many Times Have The Cops Caught You?

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Trying to evade the cops is always a fun experience for me personally. When I play with friends then I have people that can shoot off the cops during the havoc. We never are caught easily and always go down taking a dozen of cops with us. How many times have the cops caught you guys?


I have gotten caught SOOO many times it's unbelievable. I now hate the experience of running away from cops and this is usually what happens.

1. Accidentally alert cops.

2. Go on mass murder spree.

3. Shoot out with cops involving rpgs and lots of explosives.

4. Load last save.


I haven't been caught a lot of times to e honest. They just kill me. I like to go all guns blazing on them. Escaping seems just boring to me.


I have gotten caught SOOO many times it's unbelievable. I now hate the experience of running away from cops and this is usually what happens.

1. Accidentally alert cops.

2. Go on mass murder spree.

3. Shoot out with cops involving rpgs and lots of explosives.

4. Load last save.

That reminds me of what my friend used to do back with Vice city. I told him that if he could beat the game with out ever dieng or getting arrested he would get the super ultra ending.

In GTA V last I checkd I had gotten arrested less than 0 times in story mode across all 3 characters. But in the online my main character has been taken downtown a good More than 0 :D


That reminds me of what my friend used to do back with Vice city. I told him that if he could beat the game with out ever dieng or getting arrested he would get the super ultra ending.

In GTA V last I checkd I had gotten arrested less than 0 times in story mode across all 3 characters. But in the online my main character has been taken downtown a good More than 0 :D
Nice lol. Nothing beats a police shoot and and I think it's more fun than hiding in the bushes!

I probably would have had 20+ arrests If I had played honestly I suck at getting away.


Well-Known Member
I have gotten caught SOOO many times it's unbelievable. I now hate the experience of running away from cops and this is usually what happens.

1. Accidentally alert cops.

2. Go on mass murder spree.

3. Shoot out with cops involving rpgs and lots of explosives.

4. Load last save.
I do it this way as well. I hate getting my record tainted so I tend to keep safe and whenever I do get caught I make the most out of it.


Active Member
I've got caught countless times, but I always rage and load back to my last save point. I find fighting the police to be more of a chore than fun.


Nice lol. Nothing beats a police shoot and and I think it's more fun than hiding in the bushes!

I probably would have had 20+ arrests If I had played honestly I suck at getting away.

I have some sure fire ways to getting away, First try and go off road to where the nearest street, road or trail is a good sitance away (near the edge or totally off the mini map/radar). Once the wanted stars are blinking and your out of site put on a hat, mask, glasses etc... anything just jump into your inventory and change anything you have on. That will drop your wanted level by 1 Star. Nest just stay off road hiding in bushes or moving around staying out of the sight cones of the cops. If you have to or want to go back to the streets try changing vehicles into something of a different color, make and model. Follow these steps and you will Always get away.


They got me so many times that I don't even count anymore. Whenever I'm bored I start shooting around or driving over pedestrians, so the cops start to chase me. I always resist a lot so they have a lot of work to do to catch me, but in the end they always catch me somehow. I love running away from them, because it posses a challenge for me and I love the challenges, no matter what or where they are, just bring them to me.


I think that if I had to count the amount of times that I have been caught by the cops in the game then I would lose count because I really think that it is too much times to mention. Honestly I think that the most fun that I have playing the game is when I am running from the cops. If I could sit and do that all day I would and I have on some days done just that.
the only way the cops catch me is if my tires explode and there are no other cars around. i always try to put up my most valiant effort while being pursued by the police.


I've been caught more times than I can count, just because I end up wanting a long, drawn out chase and usually take it a little too far. Lol. I'm a fan of causing all kinds of chaos and then getting into shootouts with them, but I usually do end up getting caught eventually ;).


Active Member
Not too often. I'll either evade the cops or call Lester. Technically, I've never been caught...I've just been shot to pieces. :p


I remember the days when police officers would give you the chance to surrender or just pull you out the car to arrest you. Not anymore. I've never been captured by the police in GTA V. They prefer to fill my car and body with bullets. I don't want to have a shootout with the cops, but they just start shooting. I suppose this is an accurate depiction of LAPD.


Well-Known Member
the only way the cops catch me is if my tires explode and there are no other cars around. i always try to put up my most valiant effort while being pursued by the police.
Same here. Usually if the cops are already too close then I'd just go free for all and try everything I can to avoid getting caught because at that point it is pretty much your only choice. The only way they catch me is if I somehow screw up due to miscalculation and if ever they did I just would load the game again.
I've probably been caught a hundred times or so. I'm not too good at shooting with a controller, so that's not a viable option in an intense firefight. I'm good at driving, but the cops usually crash me into a giant ravine or something. Once the Pc version comes out, I'm predicting I will be MUCH better at escaping the cops.


Once you start killing them and the helicopter is involved in the chase, then you're pretty much done and dead. I tried hiding under the bridge near rivers and oceans, but that doesn't seem to work either. If the helicopter doesn't spot you the patrol cars will.
Too many to remember. That goddamned helicopter seals my fate every time. I usually have the worst busted moments too, because I'm just too stupid to avoid cops.


New Member
The cops always catch me, at least 75% of the time. I suck at driving on Gran Theft Auto so that makes it hard for me to escape them.