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How many of the weapons do you use?

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New Member
As many as possible, as frequently as possible. I've always had a yearning for things that go boom, so rocket launchers are obviously my favorite. I also enjoy the sniper rifle because there's nothing quite as satisfying as being able to snipe one of your opponents from far away in a game that was definitely not made for snipers.


New Member
I don't use many weapons maybe like 2-3.

I just don't seem like a character would carry around an ak47 extended clip silenced around all day with him, or an RPG.

I just use the uzi, pistols, and usually the shotgun.


I use a handful, unless you count crashing vehicles and jets as a weapon.
I'd say the one I use the most is the shotgun, pretty much 99% of the time. Don't ask me why I just love using one up close..


New Member
I mostly just stick with the Special Carbine assault rifle. It seems to work well for me, has good range, and good damage. I also tend to use the grenade launcher/RPG for blowing up some cars!


New Member
Quite a few, if I'm going to cause some mayhem I start big and work my way down. So all explosives, and heavy MGs, every time, and some times if I start from range I'll get some sniper kills first. I consider it a great game when I'm able to escape or die with nothing but pistol ammo left.


The rocket launcher is my favorite for multiple killings. The grenade as well. I use a bunch of guns, although I'm not familiar with their names, and then I use the cheat code for unlimited ammunition.


Active Member
With the new drum magazines I've found I'm using a lot more weapons to try and find the "best" one for my use. The compact AK-47-like gun is probably my favourite at the moment for close in battles but for longer ranges I'm switching to the bigger AK like one.


New Member
I primarily use weapons like shotguns or automatic shotguns they are my favorite because they give off some much damage. But if my enemy isn't within range of those weapons than I usually just use an ak47 because it has a good fire rate, damage output, range, etc.. I rarely use pistols unless I'm blowing something up and I don't want to worry about having to buy more ammo for an AK or auto shotgun.


New Member
The rocket launcher is my favorite for multiple killings. The grenade as well. I use a bunch of guns, although I'm not familiar with their names, and then I use the cheat code for unlimited ammunition.
Man, rocket launcher is so much fun. I used to love typing in cheats back in GTA Vice City, sitting on top of Diaz's mansion and having shootouts with the police for hours.


Man, rocket launcher is so much fun. I used to love typing in cheats back in GTA Vice City, sitting on top of Diaz's mansion and having shootouts with the police for hours.

That is the ultimate weapon for the quickest mass kill! I use it all the time, but since we have to use cheats, it affects our stats in the game and we are relegated to like, a low "street cred" title there.


New Member
That is the ultimate weapon for the quickest mass kill! I use it all the time, but since we have to use cheats, it affects our stats in the game and we are relegated to like, a low "street cred" title there.

Man, I get my rocket launcher and blast people because I want to have fun, not because I care about stats. That's what video games are for.


I only really use about 3-5 usually unless I have no choice. I don't cheat weapons so I don't normally have a lot in my arsenal. I usually have a pistol,ak, as guns and some off hands for the rest such a baton, brass knuckles etc.


New Member
I like to use all the weapons really, variety is the spice of life. The ones that require more skill and have the most impact are usually my favorites though. There's rarely anything more satisfying than getting a sweet stick with a sticky bomb, or shooting a helicopter out of the air with an RPG. The melee system is also fun in it's own right. It's super fun to have some beatdowns with your friends, and see who gets crowned fight champion so to say. I really like how much variety GTA has with their weapons, and adding even more fun and creative weapons every installment definitely does do it favors.


New Member
Barring running out of ammo and having to use whatever I got, pretty much just the bullpup rifle and maybe occasional hand grenade. If I'm just going out having fun then the rocket launcher, but otherwise I'm practically just sticking to one gun, and one gun only.


Active Member
Barring running out of ammo and having to use whatever I got, pretty much just the bullpup rifle and maybe occasional hand grenade. If I'm just going out having fun then the rocket launcher, but otherwise I'm practically just sticking to one gun, and one gun only.

I hate how you can't un-equip guns once you've bought them. Makes it really cumbersome cycling through a long weapon list when you've been testing to see which one suits your style the most.

Does anyone else use that pistol sub-machine gun? Re-discovered it a few days back and am quite enjoying using it. It's got surprisingly good firepower on it.