Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

How long did it take for you to pass your driving test?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I took my lessons for a year and l passed my test the first time:) l had to take a written exam which I failed the first time and passed the second time. I was lucky because I know someone who failed eight times! before she passed.


I'm 21 now and just recently got my license. I passed my test on my first try with an 85.
I actually didn't get my permit until I was 18 and that took me a few tries.
Well, from the time that I started my driving lessons until I got the license, it was probably less than a year. I got it on the first try.


lessons? Didn't your parents teach you? Thats who taught me, written test took like 20 minutes.


I'm going to be totally honest here, but I don't know how to drive. I'm 26 years old and I haven't even taken drivers ed yet, which is quite sad I suppose. I guess I just don't see the need in it, maybe I'm scared, I don't know. I want to learn to drive, but I have a paranoia about driving and getting into accidents, so I never even tried it. :( One day though, one day.


I'm going to be totally honest here, but I don't know how to drive. I'm 26 years old and I haven't even taken drivers ed yet, which is quite sad I suppose. I guess I just don't see the need in it, maybe I'm scared, I don't know. I want to learn to drive, but I have a paranoia about driving and getting into accidents, so I never even tried it. :( One day though, one day.

Do your parents drive?


Here in Canada, I just got my G1 during August, also known as just the written test. In 9 more months, I'll be able to take the actual road test and get the G2 license that will allow me to drive on the road!


Here in Canada, I just got my G1 during August, also known as just the written test. In 9 more months, I'll be able to take the actual road test and get the G2 license that will allow me to drive on the road!

Very nice! Congratulations!


New Member
I got my license when I was 16, exactly 6 months after having my permit (as required in waiting time). I took merely one driving lesson before the test and passed the test on the first try!


Sounds like you guys have different systems to where I do but here we need to do 120 hours of driving accompanied by someone who has their full license before you can drive on your own and even then you don't technically have your 100% license. Took me just over 2 years to get it.
Here we need to get a learner's license when we are 16 (it allows us to ride non-geared vehicles also) and then get a permanent one when we are 18. Passed both tests the first time I gave them.


I halfway studied for the written part(I was15) and failed then failed again. I finally studied completely and passed on the third try. As far as the driving skills, I aced that on the first try. I lived in the back woods and practiced driving every evening when I got home from school so that part was a breeze.


New Member
I passed mine at 21, the first time I got around to finally taking it. It was really easy - they had me drive around the block, back up 50 feet, and then park in the easiest parking spot in the world.

Seriously, sometimes I feel like a driving fraud because of this!


Well-Known Member
I passed mine the first time around because I enrolled in a driving school prior to it. It was great and certainly made me a lot less nervous for the test. I tried to learn driving by getting taught by my family but I think it just made everyone very nervous that I'd damage the family car so I was really better off learning at a driving school.


LMAO First time the prick didn't pass me because he said I was impeding traffic ie driving too slow. I was nervous and was just doing things really slowly so I didn't make any mistakes. Second time I ran a stop sign that was hidden behind a truck. Passed third time.


Most of my friends passed on the first attempt. I just get nervous and anxious under pressure. I consider myself a better driver than most of them.