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How About A New Mario Kart Concept?

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Okay, so this thought just occured to me just now: If Mario Kart were to revamp the series by adding in characters from other Nintendo, (i.e. like how Smash does) do you think it would be a success?

Would you buy that game if say, Samus was in it and was able to use her arm cannon, only if she had ammo for it? Would you like the idea of each character having their own custom weapons like that or would it not appeal to you and change the formula of Mario Kart too much?


Other characters have already been featured (link) in the latest DLC pack. The idea is nice, a bit like the special power-ups in mario kart double dash which for example bowser could have the big shell, though I wonder if they would implement that in the next version. It doesn't change the mario kart formula, it's just an addition, and it seems like a nice concept to me.


New Member
I don't think it would bring a lot of new people, as they are pretty much already doing that in the new DLC pack like @utneqo7d said. However, I do think it would be a good thing for Nintendo to bring in more characters from other games to spice it up a little.


I don't think it would bring a lot of new people, as they are pretty much already doing that in the new DLC pack like @utneqo7d said. However, I do think it would be a good thing for Nintendo to bring in more characters from other games to spice it up a little.

Well said, that was my thought as well. I don't know how new or different that would be in terms of attracting NEW people but I think it would be a welcome variety for those of us who already do play and enjoy the games.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I think it could use a bit of a drastic change. At this point I think they have made all of the subtle changes they could make and the game would probably benefit from a refreshing change. I'm just not exactly sure what specific ones would be best but I'm sure they will be able to figure it out if they really felt like they needed it.


Yes, I think it could use a bit of a drastic change. At this point I think they have made all of the subtle changes they could make and the game would probably benefit from a refreshing change. I'm just not exactly sure what specific ones would be best but I'm sure they will be able to figure it out if they really felt like they needed it.

I'd like to see a comeback of the Double Dash system, but then optional, so you can choose to play with 2 in a kart. I also agree with you on this one, the games have gotten better the last few releases, but they're getting out of original ideas, or at least that's what it feels like, so some additions to the game would be nice, though I can't think of any myself.


Active Member
There's been plenty of characters from other Nintendo franchises added in already. Although I would certainly be very happy to see more characters from Pokemon get in. Or Samus in her plugsuit :p


There's been plenty of characters from other Nintendo franchises added in already. Although I would certainly be very happy to see more characters from Pokemon get in. Or Samus in her plugsuit :p

There aren't that much characters in MK8 from other Nintendo franchises? Only Link at this moment, and in the new DLC some animal crossing ones. Though it would be nice to have it a bit more like the Smash roster.


Active Member
More characters won't make a difference to MK. They would have to implement new gameplay features and add more depth to the racing mechanics.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see a comeback of the Double Dash system, but then optional, so you can choose to play with 2 in a kart. I also agree with you on this one, the games have gotten better the last few releases, but they're getting out of original ideas, or at least that's what it feels like, so some additions to the game would be nice, though I can't think of any myself.

Yeah I'd love to see some new characters make their way into this game. Recently they have been adding more but I think Nintendo should be putting in even more though I could understand why they would want to take their time.
I think it would help bring an air of freshness to the game, as we've always had the same old characters. It would be nice if they started thinking of it as Super Smash Bros, but with karts, but then again I think they'd like to stay as true to the "Mario" name as possible.


I think that would be really cool, actually. I can't think of how that would in any way be a bad thing for the game. It would only cause more people to buy it.


Well-Known Member
I think it would help bring an air of freshness to the game, as we've always had the same old characters. It would be nice if they started thinking of it as Super Smash Bros, but with karts, but then again I think they'd like to stay as true to the "Mario" name as possible.
Agreed. As much as I'd like to see all the characters in SSB to make an appearance, I think I prefer to just keep it Mario since it feels more authentic that way. I suppose a spin off would be more sensible.


Active Member
Super Smash is a unique kind of game with all of its crossover characters, and Mario Kart should only have minor crossovers with Nintendo IPs.


I do not know if that would be something that a lot of fans in the Mario Kart niche would like something like that. I mean that I think that it is a really good idea, but I just think that it is really a drastic change from something that we have already grown accustomed to. I think though that it would be something cool that they could try and see what happens are do something so that they would be able to get customer feedback on an idea like this one.
I think Mario Kart is very succesful as it is, and adding new characters wouldn't really attract all that many new players. The fact of the matter is that people buy Mario Kart for its unique racing experience, not for one or two characters.


Well-Known Member
More characters won't make a difference to MK. They would have to implement new gameplay features and add more depth to the racing mechanics.
I agree. I think having more characters will be fun for a while but after the hype wears off it really doesn't amount to much so I'd much rather just have something that adds something more than just a different character u could use.


Also for me I just hope that they can begin making tons more racing tracks because to me some of the tracks get really old really fast so that is one thing that I think that they should really up on.


Active Member
A relaunch of this game with some new additions would definitely make this game sell a lot if it comes out. The hype would be unreal if something like this happened!


Ha, new Mario Kart should have fatalities. :D Time to take ruining your friendship to the next level, not only did you shell someone in the back you blew them into tiny bits.