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Heists Coming On March 10, 2015

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Active Member
The day has almost finally arrived, and Heists will release on March 10, according to Rockstar. How excited are you for this development? I'm pumped. It's been a long time coming, and I'm not even that bothered by just how long it took to get to this release.


Do you have a link that we can see if this will be true. I really hope that it is because this will be even more fun with this game. The game is already a lot of fun now that they will be adding the new missions that will be great.


I can't wait to play the Heist this coming March. Just one more week. Too bad the PC version got delayed again.


Active Member
It's a fantastic multiplayer addition to the game, and reminds me of those wacky scenes in Fast and the Furious 5/6. I can't wait for its release!
I'm honestly not even excited about heists anymore. They have delayed them so many times and the hype is long gone. I'm still going to get back to the game and play them, but not with the same enthusiasm.


Active Member
Do you have a link that we can see if this will be true. I really hope that it is because this will be even more fun with this game. The game is already a lot of fun now that they will be adding the new missions that will be great.

Rockstar's Official Website. The Grand Theft Auto V website. The Rockstar YouTube channel. Most gaming news outlets. They're easy enough to look up.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to this as well.they are a very good company that deserves a lot of trust and respect from their fans so I will indeed check out their newest releases and I'm sure they put as much care into it as any of their other products.


I'm so excited! We waited long enough! I hope it's not buggy or anything and that it's really fun.

I also wonder if they will be adding heists as DLC (hopefully free DLCs)


Active Member
Heists isn't going to cost you a dime to download and play. It's a core feature of the game that's long overdue, and I'm sure Rockstar will continue to provide further DLC free of charge afterward, too.