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Hardest Game You've Ever Played?

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I think the hardest game I have played is Contra. I didn't play it back when it came out, but in a compilation released for Gameboy Advance. I couldn't even get through the first stage and not because of lack of trying. It was one of the first games I just gave up on because it was too hard.


Yeah you could definitely cheat the game a bit by grinding and gaining items early, but I myself was able to finish the game without much extra work so I think it was good that they at least didn't make it necessary to do so just to get far.

Yeah, I agree but I like a nice challenge once in a while too..


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I agree but I like a nice challenge once in a while too..
Yup, definitely. It's why I tried as much as possible not to grind or look at cheats or walk throws while playing the game. I finished it first then looked up some tips that I might have missed, and it turned out that I did miss a lot, but at least the game has a lot of replay value so I was able to play it a second time.


Remember the game they made for Seaga Genesis when Bruce Lee died? That was hard as hell...
I have never owned the game. I used to play at friend's houses. But I don't believe I have ever even got through the stupid sailor on level 1.

The game was dope though...


I guess it'd have to be the Ninja Gaiden franchise. As much as I love that game series, it can be a pain in the butt at times. It really is a difficult game, but I like the challenge.


There a couple of Indie games that I have tried. Believe me, they are harder than anything I have ever played. They say hat the Dark Souls series is the hardest series, but you wouldn't be saying that once you try these games.


There a couple of Indie games that I have tried. Believe me, they are harder than anything I have ever played. They say hat the Dark Souls series is the hardest series, but you wouldn't be saying that once you try these games.
Oh, I have been hearing about how difficult the Dark Souls games are. Someone said that it was so hard, and they were devoting so much time to playing that game, that they had to trade it in. They had recently become a new father, so he didn't want a game that was a huge time suck to interfere with him taking care of his kid.