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New Member
Make Red Ded for the PlayStation 4, and then carry on with the GTA series. Maybe even a crossover? GTA but set in the wild west days? Would that work?

Yes! Do what they did for GTAV and re-make it! I'd buy it and play it all over again.

Imagine how beautiful it would all look with the PS4's capabilities. Yes. Someone needs to make this happen.


Active Member
Yes! Do what they did for GTAV and re-make it! I'd buy it and play it all over again.

Imagine how beautiful it would all look with the PS4's capabilities. Yes. Someone needs to make this happen.

A PlayStation 4 version of Red Ded is something that I think most people would want to see, and even on a forum such as this that's dedicated to GTA, the members are excited by the prospect of a new Red Ded coming out.

We just need Rockstar now to make it happen...


I would like to try the Red Dead 3. Well, I have been playing the GTA series for many years and I would like to check out the Red Dead 3. I played the first version of the game and I would love to try out the third one.


I can't wait for the Red Dead Redemption game but if I had to choose only one title it would without a doubt be GTA 6. What they did with GTA 5 was nothing short of magical and to this day several years later I'm still finding stuff out about it that I hadn't before. The biggest thing about GTA 6 will be the setting. We basically already know about Red Dead Redemption's setting and map, somewhere in the west, there's not really a mystery about that, far as I'm concerned. With GTA 6 there are so many variables to get excited about from the character, changes in physics, new online play, setting; the sky is the limit on this game. Even if I had to wait another six years for a new GTA title, it's worth it for me. I grew up on this game ever since playing GTA III for 16 hours in a row when I got it that Christmas morning, it hold's a special place in my heart.


I would definitely go for GTA VI 100%, the game has only done better and better on each new release. Sure it's also been more bug ridden than ever before but that is bound to happen. I'm sure the next title will be forced to introduce new features to stand out from the already succesful GTA games and not kill the franchise, there are far too many games to come out that will challenge GTA to make that possible.


Don't get me wrong here, I love red dead redemption, but GTA is on another level.... There's so much more to do and explore. They're both excellent games but I prefer GTA because it's more "realistic".


New Member
They're both terrific franchises, but no question I'd love to get a new Red Dead title first. The main reason many others have mentioned, there is just no substitute for a wild west gaming experience. Not to mention the time Rockstar has had to dream up innovations since Redemption's release in 2010.


New Member
I don't own a console, but I have played a fair bit of Read Dead Redemption at my friend's house. That being said, I don't plan on buying a console and my friend doesn't plan buying the game so I would pick GTA VI for now. I don't know if I will buy a console in the near future, but I if I do it won't even be something that can play Read Dead Redemption.
150% it would be Grand Theft Auto VI. I've never actually played Red Dead Redemption to be fair but it does look pretty good. But I am just a Grand Theft Auto lover and I could never decline the offer of Grand Theft Auto VI. To the person that said "GTA but set in the wild west days". You have literally just described Red Dead Redemption lol.


New Member
Red Dead is okay but it is not anywhere near GTA in my opinion, and much of that is just the sense that I cannot shake how it just feels like a copy. It has its pros and cons though, but more cons.


I can't answer this question right now since I haven't played RDR yet, but I think GTA is better since it's more popular than RDR.