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GTA V or San Andreas?

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I know that many of you will say GTA V solely because it's the latest one in the series, and actually, that's what I would choose too. However, I know of many people who still play San Andreas to this day, either because they have an old PC, or because they claim it's the better title out of the two.

That's why I want to ask you: Which one do you prefer? V or San Andreas? Why?


Active Member
GTA V is basically an expanded San Andreas map with more to do, better features, and more content. Plus better graphics and more choices. Whether you own an old PC or not, it's hard to argue in favor of San Andreas unless you like the storyline that much. Plus, GTA V has real multiplayer
GTA V is basically an expanded San Andreas map with more to do, better features, and more content. Plus better graphics and more choices. Whether you own an old PC or not, it's hard to argue in favor of San Andreas unless you like the storyline that much. Plus, GTA V has real multiplayer

I definitely see what you're saying. Even with all those features, though, there are still people who would argue that San Andreas is the better title because it had a "better atmosphere" and it has the multiplayer mod.


Active Member
To add on to what troutski said, GTA V is just basically a next-gen version of San Andreas.

I like V more because of how nice everything looks, the upgradable weapons and the ragdoll physics, even if they are tuned down a little from IV. San Andreas is still a fantastic game mind you and I know of a few people that still play it online. I think there are still some servers on MTA with up to 100 people playing at any one time.


GTA V is basically an expanded San Andreas map with more to do, better features, and more content. Plus better graphics and more choices. Whether you own an old PC or not, it's hard to argue in favor of San Andreas unless you like the storyline that much. Plus, GTA V has real multiplayer

GTA V is not an expanded San Andreas map. GTA V only features expanded Los Santos and the countryside and deserts around it, and that's about it. In San Andreas, there was San Fierro and Las Venturas. I loved both of these cities. And as far as multi-player goes, I prefer San Andreas' multi-player, even if it was just a mod. However, it came a long way since it's release a long time ago, and has improved a lot in terms of sync, connectivity and stuff like that. Why do I prefer it? GTA V's multi-player is just a bunch of missions you can do with or against your friends or other people, and the only thing that's good about it are the Heists, and once you beat them, there's not much to do. In San Andreas, there were tons of different game-modes and servers to choose from. You want a bit of deathmatch? Join a deathmatch server. Want to role-play? Join an RP server. I loved RPG servers. I loved the concept of getting a job, buying a car and a house and being one of the richest guys on the server.

Back to the question. I would definitely choose San Andreas, as you can see from above. My PC can run GTA V on high settings with a smooth FPS, but it's just not it. I have completed the game once, and couldn't be arsed to complete it again, whereas I completed San Andreas for at least three to four times. After completing, I played some multi-player which was fun at first, but not that much after a while, and the Heists are the only fun thing. I have played San Andreas ever since it released until 2009 actively, as in, pretty much every single day. After that, I play it once a year for a few days, just for my nostalgia to calm down.


Active Member
San Andreas was actually a pretty good game at the time but GTA V is miles ahead of the past releases. I'd choose GTA V any day of the week.


Of course GTA V. Since V is the better version San Andreas. San Andreas was a good game but V is a great game.
San Andreas was pretty cool, but I think GTA V still beats it. The amount of improvement makes the game so much better than its previous one.
San Andreas, was truely a great game and I really enjoyed it. I still enjoy it until this day, but I think that GTA V beats it all the way, it's just the newest one out, and the best one with all of my honesty. :D


Active Member
I was just thinking about San Andreas earlier on this morning and I was thinking on how much I miss the jet pack.

Did anyone else do drive-bys, or fly-bys, while using the jet pack? Just hovering over a group of running people and gunning them down it made you feel as though you were some sort of god sent to punish the inhabitants!

No jet pack in the HD world, as of yet, but at least we can perform parachute-bys...


Whilst I agree the story is better in San Andreas, I think V is better in every other sense. Don't get me wrong, SA still stands up pretty damn well today, but GTA V has significant advantages due to the technical advances since then.

Physics, driving, gunplay and obviously graphics and sound are all superior in V, and the inclusion of mid-mission checkpoints is very welcome. I'd also argue the standard of the voice acting is superior as well.


I still pick up San Andreas and play it. There's tons to do in that game. But I like Michael, Trevor and Franklin more than I like CJ, so it's GTA V for me. Plus, I think GTA V is gorgeous and I like shiny new graphics as much as anyone else. I also second the comment that the voice acting is better in V.


Well-Known Member
I prefer GTA V but mostly only because I never really connected with San Andreas very much even when it was just fairly new. I much preferred the older versions and if I had to choose between those and the newer ones I'd probably pick the older ones like VC or LCS.


Even though I am a nostalgic lover of SA, I will go with GTA V this time, it's more complex and its graphic is incomparable.


Active Member
Even though I am a nostalgic lover of SA, I will go with GTA V this time, it's more complex and its graphic is incomparable.

Gotta admit that I'm a bit nostalgic over SA too. For it's time it was just the pinnacle of the GTA series. The SA environment really gave a sense of being able to go anywhere.


Active Member
I played Vice City all the way through the other day, and that game is very underrated. Anyways, a decent portion of San Andreas's map was empty space. It was still a good game, though. I liked its story more than GTA V's story by a decent margin.


Well-Known Member
I played Vice City all the way through the other day, and that game is very underrated. Anyways, a decent portion of San Andreas's map was empty space. It was still a good game, though. I liked its story more than GTA V's story by a decent margin.
VC is my favorite and I've replayed it many times myself. I'd say I prefer it over both SA and GTAV but they are all good in their own way.


Active Member
I played Vice City all the way through the other day, and that game is very underrated. Anyways, a decent portion of San Andreas's map was empty space. It was still a good game, though. I liked its story more than GTA V's story by a decent margin.
Hmm, I wouldn't say VC had a better story than GTA V, but of course it all comes down to tastes. The last GTA game felt really immersive and a lot of people gave praise for that aspect, while VC was merely a prototype for Rockstar to test some of their ideas.


Active Member
I played Vice City all the way through the other day, and that game is very underrated. Anyways, a decent portion of San Andreas's map was empty space. It was still a good game, though. I liked its story more than GTA V's story by a decent margin.

GTA VC was pretty nice. What set it apart from the rest for me though was the 80's music and 80's vibes you get from the surroundings.

I'm not sure if I like the story more though.


The only reason why people will go with GTA V is because of the graphics. I am one of those people who don't depend on graphics to sway my opinion on how good a game is. That means GTA SA is probably my favorite GTA game out of the series.