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GTA 5 And WatchDogs

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I really liked to play GTA 5 and I will always say that I really think that it is the best game that have cvome out in a long time. Now I am wondering have any of you had the chance to play Watch Dogs? I have heard some friends of mine telling me that they think that the game is better than GTA 5. Now I have had the chance to play that game and let me tell you that I do not think that the game could even come close tot being as good as GTA 5.

Have any of you had the chance to play Watch Dogs and if so how do you think that it compares to GTA 5?


Active Member
Watch Dogs isn't better than GTA V, not by a long shot. The game has a lackluster map, few vehicle choices, and a gimmicky hacking mechanic that involves nothing more than pressing X. The story is bland, and there's nothing that really sets the game apart, to be honest. Not compared to the innovations that GTA V brought into open world games.


New Member
Both fun games, but GTA V wins by a long shot. A really long shot. GTA V has so many things - the game never gets old, especially with friends. On the other hand, I feel that Watchdogs was more of a short thrill and not really something to put your time on. The multiplayer was a really weird experience for me, and it just didn't feel natural or fun like GTA V. The hacking part of it is really nothing much, and it got old, too fast. In my opinion, Watchdogs feels like a dumbed down version of GTA V with a bit of new features, but the new things couldn't make up for areas that the game lacked.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
I think that Watch Dogs was overhyped. It was a great game, don't get me wrong, but it was over hyped. I just don't know why, but I don't like it nearly as much as GTA V. The multiplayer wasn't all that great in Watch Dogs, which is really a big factor for me, when I buy games. GTA V on the other hand had a great multiplayer which I played for months with my friends. Everyone has their own opinions about Watch Dogs, but this is mine, and I think that Watch Dogs is not as great as it was made out to be by trailers and gameplay footage.


Active Member
I was looking through these old threads, and I have to say that I haven't thought about Watch_Dogs since I made the comment above. That's pretty sad.


Active Member
Watch Dogs is a good game and I enjoyed it, but after some time it became really repetitive and boring. I wouldn't compare it with GTA V since the latter is miles ahead in terms of gameplay.


I like the concept of Watch_Dogs, when I played it, it was fun but after some time it became repetitive and boring too. All missions were the same and there are too many glitches. GTA V is way more better than Watch_Dogs.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's better than GTA but I don't think it has to be either. It can just be a good game on its own right and even if it doesn't surpass GTA I think it's understandable since that is a very packed game that has had the opportunity of many sequels to refine their details.


Active Member
The problem with Watch Dogs was repetitiveness and a little overhyping on the part of the developers. There was no longevity to that game. It came, it went, and now it's out of everyone's mind.


I don't really find them comparable. Watchdog's is a stealth based game even if it has that open world feel to it. I think of them as two separate genres of games. Personally Watchdogs was fun for awhile but it feels like a lot of other games, where as GTA is doing perfectly fine because it's their market.
I really loved Watch_Dogs - I really didn't get into any issues described on the Internet, and it was a genuinely fun experience with a lot of things to do. The way that the online component blends in perfectly with the single player game is truly a fantastic feat, and that feature alone made the game shine.

That being said, however, I still don't think the game holds a candle to GTA V. GTA V simply has more to do and a fantastic story. The fact that GTA V was praised all over the Internet upon launch and that Watch_Dogs was completely wrecked by fans didn't help balance things out either.


Watch Dogs has a cool concept and lets you do a lot of cool things with hacking, but I definitely wouldn't say it's better than GTA V. GTA V has great characters , a compelling story and a living city to explore, plus a never ending supply of DLC. I like Watch Dogs, but comparing it to GTA V is a bit much.
While Watch Dogs looked extremely promising before its release, it came up short on every one of those promises. If you want to check it out that's cool, but don't go into it expecting a better GTA, it's nowhere close to that level of quality.


Active Member
While Watch Dogs looked extremely promising before its release, it came up short on every one of those promises. If you want to check it out that's cool, but don't go into it expecting a better GTA, it's nowhere close to that level of quality.
