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Gran Turismo 6 GT6 Trailer

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Nothing will ever render PC gaming obsolete. The joy of having a PC to game on is that you can upgrade the parts whenever you feel like it.


It looks phenomenal well the graphics does but i just think its too repetitive now, i have played since 2005 and its just too same old now and its really frustrating me.


Wow, I watched its complete trailer just now and I am quite amazed. This game is going to give great competition to the upcoming Need For Speed : Rivals.

We have have to wait for the ratings to know which would be better, and that is only possible when both of these games are released.


Well that is one slick presentation. No I don't think PC gaming will go long as there are PCs. Realistic and amazing graphic quality.


So now I feel bad about dogging on the game in another post. The trailer does look pretty slick. How that relates to actual game play, I'm not so sure. Has anybody heard any feedback from demos or early reviews?

As for PC gaming, that'll never go out. People love their computer set ups too much to part with it.


New Member
@jcairns82 I think that PC games are dying each day. I used to play half life every day, or even number munchers. With technology growing & being so amzing such as XBOX one soon to come out PC gaming is dying. WOW is the only one that seems to be still doing ok.

The video is pretty cool. The graphics are insanely detailed.


New Member
I love Gran Turismo 5. Hate to focus on the negatives but I sure hope they have sorted them engine sounds out!! Everything else will be as amazing as hell
@jcairns82 I think that PC games are dying each day. I used to play half life every day, or even number munchers. With technology growing & being so amzing such as XBOX one soon to come out PC gaming is dying. WOW is the only one that seems to be still doing ok.

The video is pretty cool. The graphics are insanely detailed.

People have been saying that PC gaming is dying for like a decade now. It's really not, especially with Steam being as insanely popular as it is.

The trailer: probably the best GT trailer I've ever seen. The music was perfect, too.


Active Member
Gran Turismo 6 looks incredible from that trailer. I'm getting really excited for it's release.

PC gaming will never go stale. Although console games can look beautiful they will never be able to render the graphics and realism that of which a PC can. I play a lot of flight sims, one of which is WW1 based. In aerial combats you get behind an enemy plane, start shooting and you can see little bits of debris fall away hitting and sometimes damaging your aircraft. I can't see a console being able to emulate that realism


New Member
Pc gaming is where video gaming began, and where it ever to end, then Pc gaming would be where it would end also. Consoles are great but nothing beats the sheer power off the PC and the ability to mod an use it for an infinite amount of alternative uses. You can't make a video game from scratch on your PS3, but you can on your PC... and then play it and publish it. But I agree with the OP in that this game looks extremely pretty and very well refined. Good job Kazunori Yamauchi.


Pc gaming is where video gaming began, and where it ever to end, then Pc gaming would be where it would end also. Consoles are great but nothing beats the sheer power off the PC and the ability to mod an use it for an infinite amount of alternative uses. You can't make a video game from scratch on your PS3, but you can on your PC... and then play it and publish it. But I agree with the OP in that this game looks extremely pretty and very well refined. Good job Kazunori Yamauchi.
I am not sure how it turned into the whole PC vs console discussion, but I am here to talk about GT 6 and so are you guys, right? It looks really amazing to say the least. The news is, there is already a gt 7 in the works!