Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Grid 2 DLC is utter nonsense.

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


What were Codies thinking when they were working on this overpriced and ridiculous DLC? I mean, shouldn't it be released for free in the first place? It should have distributed as a free DLC since there is nothing worthy of a price. Moreover, it is really overpriced. I don't think it is a good strategy by Codemasters. What do you think?


Honestly, any DLC is nonsense. Back in my day you bought your game and the developers continued to update it with new content for free. Either that or they released a reasonably priced expansion pack.


Honestly, any DLC is nonsense. Back in my day you bought your game and the developers continued to update it with new content for free. Either that or they released a reasonably priced expansion pack.
There are still some good companies that follow the good old rule-book and don't treat us like an opportunity to cash in. It's called CD Project Red. First and foremost, all their games I DRM free and they provide free DLC support afterwards.