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Good shows that got cancelled

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What are some of your favorite shows you'd wish would come back after they were cancelled because people weren't tuning in? For me Firefly comes to mind, I caught it actually on netflix, may years after it was cancelled, and I couldn't understand why this show would get cancelled, it was awesome and truly memorable. I was happy to see they made a movie, Serenity, and that was a great ending I thought.

Some other shows that ended way too soon:

The Killing; Really awesome show, sadly cancelled after it got a second chance on a 3rd season. Which was a good season.
Southland; By far the best cop drama I have ever seen and one of the most grittiest dramas ever on TV. Seriously this show's final season was so good, depressing and it felt real. The final 3 episodes were some of the best TV I've ever had the privilege of watching and I was saddened to see TNT cancel it. Would of welcomes one final season to complete everyone's story, because it ended on such a depressing note and we may never know what happens next.

And there's other shows I imagine, but these are the shows I have on my mind.


Some good shows that got cancelled. One show that, many people should watch, is Pushing Daisies. It's a show about some dude who touches people and they come back to life, and when this happens it takes the life of someone he loves or knows. Anyways he can't touch the people he brings back to life, because if he does, they'll die and wont be able to come back. Anyways, he brings back the love of his life and they try to have a relationship by not touching each other.

It's a really good show and he goes around investigating murders and deaths. I wish they didn't cancel it.


Active Member
Magic City had a promising start and a decent cast. I don't know why they cancelled it.

I agree with the Firefly mention. Fox killed it far too early and sadly, I doubt its ever coming back. A dedicated online fan base aside, the show doesn't enjoy the kind of support that can force a network to bring it back.


There are quite a few - I liked The Eleventh Hour, V and the RJ Berger thing, unlike many other people. V had such an open ending, I simply hated the guy who cancelled it like that - like losing a book while you are in the best part of it...
There have been a few really good comedy skit shows that have been cancelled. Picnicface was the one I was most disappointed with being cancelled. They're a comedy troupe from Canada, and their first season on Comedy Central was great, but there was no 2nd season. They're the ones who made the Powerthirst video.



I am still grieving over the fact that they cancelled Rules Of Engagement. I had just discovered it and was really getting into it.... and now they have taken it away.... damn them.


I don't know any of those TV shows except Arrested Development from the name. I am still somewhere between 2000 and 2007.


Rules of Engagement was a good show, I had come across it by accident one day and really liked it. I loved the opening song, even my 3 year old was singing it. They always get rid of the good shows, I hate that!!


Firefly, firefly and again, firefly. Also Alcatraz wasn't that bad, it was good, in a certain way. Pretty generic though, but it had Sam Neill!

EDIT: I forgot Happy Town!


Caprica and Stargate:Universe.. Those jerks over at NBC! They cancel everything after switching it's night around over and over.


New Member
This is an easy one for me. I really wish that the show FlashFoward would come back for another season! It was a really exciting and mysterious show, many likened it to Lost. It ended after the first season, right when there was a lot of interesting plot development and unraveling story points going on. It's really too bad that it was cancelled, but hopefully the writers who were on the show are given another chance to either write this show again or work on a similar project so that I can find a new show!


There are a few shows I liked that got cut. The Event, Heroes, Arrested Development, the Cleavland Show and a few others.

And what's worse, the crappy shows always find a way of staying on air.
man rocket power what ever happened to that show? its like it was on one day and never returned the next, what a sad set or circumstances


New Member
I miss Happy Endings! It was a great ABC sitcom that ended last year-- it suffered, I think, from being a character driven show. Therefore people who tuned in for only one episode didn't quite "get" it yet because they didn't have enough time to get to know the characters. I was the same way with the first episode I watched, but as I saw a couple more I started to see the rhythm of the show and from that point I ended up ordering all the DVDs from Netflix that were out, and caught up on it just in time for it to end on ABC.
Freaks and Geeks. That show was cancelled way too early, it told so many relatable stories. That game had very interesting themes. damn , I miss that show badly.


Two words: Arrested Development. Those three seasons told some of the best, most hilarious TV show moments I can conjure up. Fox made a huge mistake to cancel it, the show was hailed as one of the greatest sitcoms out there and they cancelled it. Yes, Netflix brought it back but fourth season was just too delayed. It had been what, six years? The actors have grown up and moved on. Especially Micheal Cera's character. The actor is a great actor, works like Juno and Scott Pilgrim vs The World. But, in the show, he just looked so awkward. And not in the good way. *sigh* Maybe the fifth season, it has been announced, can bring back the Arrested Development vibe again.


New Member
Heroes was one of the first TV series I seriously watched and they cancelled it during season 4. I couldn't even get myself to watch the last 10 episodes or so after hearing that it had been cancelled.
The cast was awesome, the characters were all great and very complex, new ones were introduced as the last season began, but they didn't continue. I heard they were making a movie, but I am not sure. What a disappointment.