Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Games you can't finish?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I haven't played it so I'm not sure, but maybe you are doing something wrong? I mean like going the wrong way, maybe there is some way around that you are just missing and you are supposed to die when you do what you do. Try checking a walkthrough or a video on Youtube.
I have read a walkthrough. It says to fight and win those cops. But it is hard, fighting against cops with machine guns. You are not supposed to kill the cops, as this game doesn't work that way.


Completing the Assassins creed games with 100% completion across the board is pretty damn hard.

That's true, the games are great but picking up every collectible is just too damn boring.
there's only so many banners, feathers and treasure I can collect before I drop the game altogether.


That's true, the games are great but picking up every collectible is just too damn boring.
there's only so many banners, feathers and treasure I can collect before I drop the game altogether.
I have tried to complete side missions in Assassins Creed series. But it gets boring after a while. So I concentrated on finishing the story instead.


hmmmmm, Alan Wake. The Pacing in that game is absolutely terrible. Same with Dead Space.
I have heard some nice reviews about Alan Wake. I have that game in Steam but I haven't downloaded it yet. Is this a very slow game? I am thinking about clearing my backlog one by one.


I have heard some nice reviews about Alan Wake. I have that game in Steam but I haven't downloaded it yet. Is this a very slow game? I am thinking about clearing my backlog one by one.

It's a great game but the pacing is horrid near the end. Making the game annoying as shit does not make it scary or horror just annoying. If it wasn't for that I would have finished it. I might give it another go in the future but those last couple levels are REALLY annoying.


It's a great game but the pacing is horrid near the end. Making the game annoying as shit does not make it scary or horror just annoying. If it wasn't for that I would have finished it. I might give it another go in the future but those last couple levels are REALLY annoying.
Maybe it was meant to annoying :p. After reading your comments, I think I should stay away from Alan Wake for some time.


Maybe it was meant to annoying :p. After reading your comments, I think I should stay away from Alan Wake for some time.

Glad I warned someone away. It's a great game storyline wise but shit the gameplay is subpar. I really wanted to finish it too but it just got so irritating near the end that I was completely and utterly DONE.


I have had trouble finishing Call of Duty Black OPs. I must say it is a tough game. There reaches a point I can pass the other rebels. I think it is one of the hard games I have had to play in my life but it is still fun.


Glad I warned someone away. It's a great game storyline wise but shit the gameplay is subpar. I really wanted to finish it too but it just got so irritating near the end that I was completely and utterly DONE.
Thanks for the warning :D. I will stick with finishing Witcher 1 now.


Thanks for the warning :D. I will stick with finishing Witcher 1 now.

How is that btw?
I've played The Witcher 2, but I never tried the first one.
With the new one coming out this year I was wondering if I should play the first and the second one again.


How is that btw?
I've played The Witcher 2, but I never tried the first one.
With the new one coming out this year I was wondering if I should play the first and the second one again.
I like it. But the combat system is pretty meh. If you have played Witcher 2, you won't like it in 1. Also the graphics are pretty old. I am using some mods to enhance character textures. I am playing it for the story. After finishing this I will start Witcher 2 and wait for the 3 :D.


I like it. But the combat system is pretty meh. If you have played Witcher 2, you won't like it in 1. Also the graphics are pretty old. I am using some mods to enhance character textures. I am playing it for the story. After finishing this I will start Witcher 2 and wait for the 3 :D.

So do you think it's essential to play through the first one in order to grasp the whole story of the trilogy or would it be enough to just read the synopsis on Wikipedia?


So do you think it's essential to play through the first one in order to grasp the whole story of the trilogy or would it be enough to just read the synopsis on Wikipedia?
Many friends told me it was enough to read the story of Witcher 1. But I wanted to experience it myself. That was why I started playing it. There is one High Texture Mod available for it. But when I tried it, it didn't show trees and walls. So removed it. The character texture pack works though. As you have played Witcher 2 already, I think it is fine to just read the story of 1.


I lost interested in Assassins Creed Revelations. I just grew tired of the game and it's franchise. Knife X, steal Y and sneak pack Z. It's tiring after a while. I don't know how they can keep making the same game time after time and barely add innovation. a ship is all they could come up with.


I lost interested in Assassins Creed Revelations. I just grew tired of the game and it's franchise. Knife X, steal Y and sneak pack Z. It's tiring after a while. I don't know how they can keep making the same game time after time and barely add innovation. a ship is all they could come up with.
I guess you were not playing for the story :p. Yes, AC Revelations was much the same as the ones before in combat area. I just wanted to finish all the missions as quickly as possible and end the story. I guess 3 and Black Flag will be the same.


I was, that is why it was painful to stop playing. I wanted to know what was happening but the ends did not justify the means. It just lost everything that held me to the game. I don't like the elongation of the series just to make more money.


The only Assassin's Creed story that held my attention was the first and second game with Ezio as a protagonist, other than that I couldn't even sprint to the end of the game, I just stop playing them overnight.