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Games you can't finish?

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I know it's not technically a "racing game" - but GTA: San Andreas. I can't for the love of me get past the flight school missions in the dessert.


For me it's GTA China Town Wars, I am not able to complete all of the missions there. I tried it many times but now I have left to play that game.

Denis Hard

I played a space shooter game which I believe was made with the sole intention of having you play as few levels as you can. I can't remember the name of the game but according the game manual, there were 12 levels you could play through. In level five however there was a meteor shower that would each time, wreck your ship thus conveniently ending the game.

After all these years I'm still wondering. . .were there really 12 levels of game play or just the five you could play?


I played a space shooter game which I believe was made with the sole intention of having you play as few levels as you can. I can't remember the name of the game but according the game manual, there were 12 levels you could play through. In level five however there was a meteor shower that would each time, wreck your ship thus conveniently ending the game.

After all these years I'm still wondering. . .were there really 12 levels of game play or just the five you could play?

That sounds remarkably similar to a fairly recent game that's come out, FTL: Faster than Light. It's not so much of a shooter as a space based dungeon crawler, but I've never been able to get very far with it. I don't even know why I play "roguelike" games, they annoy the hell out of me. You're just doomed from the start.


New Member
I can't finish loads. Most of the time because I have lost interest.

Skyrim, Borderands 2, Dark Souls are a few top games that I really should get through at least once. I think the problem is that I like to do side missions instead of the main story. I could probably finish them if I stayed on path but I always like to roam.

I suck at keeping interest in games even if I love them so much. I just get swept away by the real world and forget about Link. :(


I have had so many games that I could never finish. I don't finish almost 75% of games I play for different reasons. Sometimes, I get bored, sometimes, I just don't have the time. For example, stopped playing Amnesia because it was way too scary for me to go on. I couldn't go any further. In case of Dark Souls, it was a way too hard game for me.


I have had many games I didn't finish, and there's tons of games in my Steam Library that I haven't even touched and installed (most of them are from humble bundle, hehe). I found that all the games I start playing get more boring the more time I put into them. Sometimes, there's no time for me to play the game, and I just don't feel the want to finish a game anymore after leaving it on hold for so long.

Denis Hard

That sounds remarkably similar to a fairly recent game that's come out, FTL: Faster than Light. It's not so much of a shooter as a space based dungeon crawler, but I've never been able to get very far with it. I don't even know why I play "roguelike" games, they annoy the hell out of me. You're just doomed from the start.

I wonder why they have to make such games. Shouldn't a game be made to be fun. You see, if for example they have a trial version of the game online and you get pissed. . .who loses out? The game makers because you ain't gonna buy that game.


I have trouble finishing any Assassin's Creed game. Don't get me wrong, they are great games. However, in my opinion they just take too darn long to complete. It's basically the same thing over and over again, killing and assassinating people with some side missions every now and then. The story line is great, but the gameplay is repetitious.


Oh there are SO many games sitting in my Steam library that I either never touched or I lost interest, if I stop playing a game for about a week or so, I find it extremely difficult to pick it back up.
When I use to be into Fable and the series. It is a great game at first, but it gets repetitive very quickly and it is definitely one game that I have the hardest time finishing. I just can never bring my self to finishing it at all.


When I use to be into Fable and the series. It is a great game at first, but it gets repetitive very quickly and it is definitely one game that I have the hardest time finishing. I just can never bring my self to finishing it at all.

The only one I managed to finish was the first one, even though I liked the story of the second one best of all.
I agree with you that the repetitiveness is the worst part, it makes it really hard to follow through with the game.


Well-Known Member
I never finished GTA San Andreas because there was just too much to do and by the time I was half done with the game I felt fulfilled enough already to put it down. I still return to it from time to time and I finish a few missions here and there but most of the time I usually just blow things up to let off some steam.


I never finished GTA San Andreas because there was just too much to do and by the time I was half done with the game I felt fulfilled enough already to put it down. I still return to it from time to time and I finish a few missions here and there but most of the time I usually just blow things up to let off some steam.

Same, I think I have never finished a GTA game, and I promise I tried, I just find something better to play in the meantime, it's not even funny...

I also can't finish a game of EU4, but completely different reasons.


I am ashamed to admit that I am stuck in Mirrors Edge. There is one place in Chapter 6 where you have to jump out of an elevator cargo and open a bay door. As soon as I open the door I get ambushed by 3 soldiers and I always get killed ;( Tried so many times to disarm them. Finally quit playing it.


I am ashamed to admit that I am stuck in Mirrors Edge. There is one place in Chapter 6 where you have to jump out of an elevator cargo and open a bay door. As soon as I open the door I get ambushed by 3 soldiers and I always get killed ;( Tried so many times to disarm them. Finally quit playing it.

I haven't played it so I'm not sure, but maybe you are doing something wrong? I mean like going the wrong way, maybe there is some way around that you are just missing and you are supposed to die when you do what you do. Try checking a walkthrough or a video on Youtube.