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Game that disappointed you the most?

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What is the game that you waited in anticipation to buy and try out but it turned out to be a total failure?

Denis Hard

Star Defender 4. I'd played the previous two star defender games and when the fourth was released the deceptive review of the game claimed that it was sooooo much better than the previous games. I bought it straight away and regretted wasting my money on the crap.


It was supposed to be the best game ever and it turned out to be a generic space sandbox.
It's a great engine but they forgot to make it into a game.


There are some games that have left me disappointed. Duke Nukem Forever comes to my mind first. It was hyped up to be a real goo game, but what we got? We already know it so no need to mention it again here.


I was disappointed in The Last of Us. Now, don't get me wrong, the game is on my Top 3 for sure, but the hype it gathered and the expectations on this game were incredibly high, and I don't think it worked. The game was so good in the beginning but the game play mechanics got boring and the plot got a little slow and I guess I just lost interest for a couple of weeks, before I finished it.


Well-Known Member
Little Big Planet for me. A lot of people were loving it, and for some reason I automatically assumed that because of this I'd love it too. Suffice to say I got to play it and had to put it down within the first hour because it just didn't appeal to me. I completely was boggled as to what people found amusing in it, but given its popularity, I understand I'm the exception on this one.


Guild Wars 2. I spent 4000 hours playing Guild Wars 1 making friends and messing around. I got tired of Guild Wars 2 after 200 hours and never looked back. I wish they could have kept the stuff that made Guild Wars 1 so great, but they decided to turn it into a more generic MMO that lost its identity.


WarZ (Infestation Survival Stories)
The worst zombie game you can ever imagine. Crappy animations, choppy gameplay, horrible netcoding, horrible publicity stunts and almost lawsuits had occurred. This game is the definition of horrible in zombie genre sense. Don't touch it.


Guild Wars 2 and RIFT werea huge disappointments for me. Around the launch for both those games I was getting quite sick of World of Warcraft and looking for a new MMO, maybe I'm just too stuck on WoW but I just couldn't get into either or really any other late 2000s MMO. The games were good, sure, but they just didn't feel like they had any meaning or soul.


New Member
Assassins Creed 4, that game had a horrible ending, and the gameplay didn't really feel like it had substance. In my opinion, I wouldn't recommend it, but you can get it if you wish.


Mine was Little Big Planet. There was all this crazy hype about it for so long and when I bought it I just thought it was totally rubbish. Not my kind of game whatsoever.


The game that disappointed me the most was of the NFS series and it was Pro Street. In my honest opinion that is one of the worst series from NFS. A lot of people disliked it as well.


New Member
I was disappointed in The Last of Us. Now, don't get me wrong, the game is on my Top 3 for sure, but the hype it gathered and the expectations on this game were incredibly high, and I don't think it worked. The game was so good in the beginning but the game play mechanics got boring and the plot got a little slow and I guess I just lost interest for a couple of weeks, before I finished it.

Honestly after all the hype I heard from my friends etc. I just didn't like it, felt far too bland for my tastes.. after 2 hours of owning I sold it to another friend..


Assassins Creed 4, that game had a horrible ending, and the gameplay didn't really feel like it had substance. In my opinion, I wouldn't recommend it, but you can get it if you wish.

Is it that bad?
I've been looking forward to getting it on the PC next week.
I loved the Ezio storyline, especially Brotherhood, but I hated AC3, should I bother with 4 or is it like 3?


There are some games that have left me disappointed. Duke Nukem Forever comes to my mind first. It was hyped up to be a real goo game, but what we got? We already know it so no need to mention it again here.

Apologies for mentioning it again, but that game was overhyped from the beginning. It is the classic example of "development hell". For the same reason I'm thinking Half-life 3 is going to be a disappointment, the internet gets their panties in a bunch with anticipation but in the end expectations rarely meet anticipation. This is also possibly the reason we have not seen HL3.


Dishonored. Everybody near release was talking about it like it was the best goddamn game made recently. So much stupid hyped and I bought into it like a moron. Game looked great, though... but it was one of the most lacking games I've played. The graphics look bad (not even the style, they just look bad to me), the story is the most uninteresting thing (except for 2 characters), there's barely any weapon variety, about 4 types of enemies and not many areas either.

It honestly felt like if a $15-20 downloadable title had been released as a AAA retail game...


Dishonored. Everybody near release was talking about it like it was the best goddamn game made recently. So much stupid hyped and I bought into it like a moron. Game looked great, though... but it was one of the most lacking games I've played. The graphics look bad (not even the style, they just look bad to me), the story is the most uninteresting thing (except for 2 characters), there's barely any weapon variety, about 4 types of enemies and not many areas either.

It honestly felt like if a $15-20 downloadable title had been released as a AAA retail game...

Wow I hadn't hear an opinion like this on Dishonored.
I haven't played it, but I thought it was pretty well-received and people loved it.


New Member
Dishonored. Everybody near release was talking about it like it was the best goddamn game made recently. So much stupid hyped and I bought into it like a moron. Game looked great, though... but it was one of the most lacking games I've played. The graphics look bad (not even the style, they just look bad to me), the story is the most uninteresting thing (except for 2 characters), there's barely any weapon variety, about 4 types of enemies and not many areas either.

It honestly felt like if a $15-20 downloadable title had been released as a AAA retail game...

Yeah, I didn't really like it either, thank god I had only torrented it to try it out instead of straight up paid for it (I do this sometimes if an expensive game looks interesting, but I'm still having doubts). I liked the artstyle, but for me the gameplay and story were lacking.

My personal big dissapointment was Bioshock 2. I don't really like the gameplay aspect of the Bioshock series, but at least the story of the original really captured me. I didn't even like 2's story.


Right now I'm really disappointed with COD Ghosts. I was expecting a great FPS something similar to Battlefield 4, but they managed to ruin the franchise. The game is terrible the only thing I liked was the dog .


Mass Effect 3.
I loved the first two games, and I was expecting at least something decent to close the trilogy, but what I got was a terrible game.
It feels like they just wanted to make more money so they created the multiplayer and added a bunch of DLC.