Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Gаmеshаrе ps3?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


s аnyоnе оn hеrе intеrеstеd in gаmеshаring а соpy оf thе gаmе tо mе? I'm а bit strаppеd fоr саsh аnd wаnt tо try it bеfоrе i spеnd $60 tо impоrt thе ps3 vеrsiоn


There's a copy of the first MXGP floating around on the internet somewhere. I seen awhile ago you just need to google search it. It will pop up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah there are probably some sites that specialize in this so try searching for it that way. You can try some social sites too if that helps I know there are groups for everything nowadays.


Active Member
From what my friends have said the game plays somewhat similar to the next gen versions, so don't worry about playing it on PS3. The graphics are less spectacular, of course, but the gameplay is relatively the same.


Active Member
Basically judging by the replies up to now, I get the feeling that people aren't going to be willing to so called 'share' a copy of the game with you, but to be honest you don't really need to. Read the reviews, watch the videos, check out the game play and judge for yourself if you're going to get value for money out of the game or not just like the rest of us have had to.


That's a good opinion. I think you should read the reviews and there are hundreds of gameplays available on Youtube that you can watch. So, I would recommend you to do these things before you actually buy the game.


I think that as mentioned before looking at a reviews and watching some play troughs will give you a very good idea of the game. There is also a compact version of MXGP2 that you could try on your PC but don't forget it's the same as MXGP.