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Funselektor to Roll Out Golden Lap

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Warner Williams

Staff member
The golden age of open-wheel racing is here! Prove your worth as a strategic mastermind by making pivotal decisions and shaping your team's destiny to leave your competitors in the dust! It will be released later this year on Steam.

Golden Lap is a new racing strategy game from Funselektor, developed with Strelka Games, in which the player takes control of a racing team in the tumultuous Golden Era of open-wheel racing.

Dune Casu, founder of Funselektor, said. “After two releases with Absolute Drift and art of rally, we wanted to try something different while staying true to our passion for racing. We’re taking that opportunity with Golden Lap, which serves as a throwback to one of the most iconic eras of motorsport when it was exciting and dangerous in equal measure, teams were experimenting with designs, and drivers were notorious both on and off the track.”

The Funselektor brand was founded in 2014 when Dune Casu developed the prototype Absolute Drift. Following the release of its first game in 2015, Dune immediately began developing Funselektor's second game, Art of Rally.