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Forza Motorsport 5 Forza, a "Gran Turismo killer"?

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The only way a game can be the "killer" of another game in the same genre is if they actually force the competition out of the market.

Forza has been dubbed "Gran Turismo killer" by the media since the very first game. Yet here we are, two generations later with Polyphony working on the latest GT game.

It's not even Sony or Microsoft that make these "killer" terms. It's the media and their way of sensationalizing everything.

I had missed this post earlier, but this is so true. While obviously there's some competition between Microsoft and Sony, they aren't the ones coming up with crap like "GT Killer". Saying anything is a "killer" of something else just because it's barely related has become too common and, frankly, too annoying.


Well-Known Member
I do not think that it is a Gran Turismo killer. The way that I look at it is that each game has the things that you will like about it and each game will have the things that you will not like about it. Also I think that each game appeals to a certain type of audience.
Agreed. I think these days there's more and more space for options. The market really is enough for both to survive so even if one outsells the other it's possible that the other one will still be able to compete.


Active Member
Definitely not a Gran Turismo killer. A game that competes with it? Yes, definitely but the market is big enough for both games to survive, as Wubwub said. It's hard to take down your opponents nowadays, especially when the games are alike.


Active Member
Considering they are exclusives to both Playstation and Xbox consoles, it's hard to see one killing the other as both will always have fans.

Both series have been around for so long now that their place in the racing games genre are pretty much cemented.


Well-Known Member
Considering they are exclusives to both Playstation and Xbox consoles, it's hard to see one killing the other as both will always have fans.

Both series have been around for so long now that their place in the racing games genre are pretty much cemented.
Agreed. I think at this point the only way one of them will fall off is if the consoles itself falls off, which ever console that might be.


Active Member
That or the developers of the series call time on it, or development is shifted to another company who make an absolute hash of their release, but then you'll always have fans of the older games.

What ever happens, Gran Turismo and Forza have set benchmarks on what a good racing game should be.

Denis Hard

Things have changed fast. The one game that might kill both Forza and Gran Turismo is Project Cars. But as others have pointed out, both games will be around for ages since they all have a large fan base.


Active Member
Things have changed fast. The one game that might kill both Forza and Gran Turismo is Project Cars. But as others have pointed out, both games will be around for ages since they all have a large fan base.

Project CARS is a brand new contender in this battle for top racing spot and while they have proven they can deliver a game that is just amazing, they still need to work on a lot to set themselves in stone.