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Foot Races In GTA V

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Active Member
Has anyone else ever set up their own foot races with friends? I know it's not as exciting as driving a car during a race, but you can get some pretty hilarious moments by allowing players to use their fists only to attack while running toward the end point.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
I have, sort of. I made a vow to run across the map once. I started at the airport, and ran all the way to the islands at the very northern tip of the map. My friend, driving any truck he could find in order to tempt me to get in a car, and fail my vow. He swam across the Alamo Sea with me, and proceeded to gently tap me with cars,when we got to the other side, so that I would fall over. Despite this, I made it across, found some derpy NPC's and took some victory selfies.


Hah, this can be quite hilarious. I might try this with a friend once I get my hands on a PS4. I never thought about this one to be honest.


I haven't tried this yet but it sounds like fun. Every time I think people have run out of things to do in GTA V, they come up with new ones.


Active Member
I have, sort of. I made a vow to run across the map once. I started at the airport, and ran all the way to the islands at the very northern tip of the map. My friend, driving any truck he could find in order to tempt me to get in a car, and fail my vow. He swam across the Alamo Sea with me, and proceeded to gently tap me with cars,when we got to the other side, so that I would fall over. Despite this, I made it across, found some derpy NPC's and took some victory selfies.

You should have murdered him every time he got close during your quest. ;]


I think that the next thing that I will do with my friends is have a race from one end of the map to the other just by running. To me this race should last for the whole day. It should be really funny to see this one. The only race that I have ever done with my friends in the game is a bicycle one and it was really funny.


Active Member
That's a great idea! Although knowing my friends (and myself) we would probably start shooting at each other towards the end of the race :p


Well-Known Member
I've never done it but now that i know of it I have to say it does sound like fun usually at some point it's good to take a break from using all the weapons and utilities that the game offers and just attack it bare.


Active Member
Shorter or more complicated foot races are better because the long ones can make everyone hate every second of them. It's best to make weapons an option and then have as much mayhem as possible. Or just fists can be fun until someone pulls ahead of the pack.


Lol, I've never tried it but it sounds funny. Fists only would make it even funnier. I'm actually going to try a foot race out one day lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I've never tried it but it sounds funny. Fists only would make it even funnier. I'm actually going to try a foot race out one day lol.
Yeah it definitely sounds like a nice break from shooting guns and bazookas all day. I think small mini games you invent always breathes new life to such a versatile game like GTA.
Yeah, I tried this out with a few friends of mine while we were drunk as shit. It was fantastic, and we keep going to this "activity" whenever we get really bored.
Sounds like a fun time haha. I have never personally gone in a foot race but I think I will bring it up with my friends next time we play.