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The Crew First ever game of it's own kind?

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There some unique things about The Crew that I ma sure everyone would have noticed by now. First of all, it's a really giant game. They are attempting to do something no other company has done in the past. Evermore, they are going open world with this game unlike other games like GRID 2 and Need For Speed series where you are forced to stay on track always. There is no freedom, but The Crew has it all. What else do you think makes it unique.


New Member
Definitely the scope of the game. They're recreating 16 US cities in the game, which obviously has never been done before.

They even stated the New York in the game is bigger than Liberty City from GTA IV. Obviously I don't think cities will be as detailed but still, it's amazing in its own right.


I'm looking forward to the tuning aspects; more specifically, comparing mine with those of my friends. Here's fruitlessly hoping for a PC port.


I didn't know this game was going to be that big. Wow! That's pretty radical. The trailer makes it look even more promising. I will for sure check this out whenever it comes out. Could this be the next best racing franchise?


I'm looking forward to the tuning aspects; more specifically, comparing mine with those of my friends. Here's fruitlessly hoping for a PC port.
They have already stated that going to come to PC. I think you missed the part where they said it's going to come to PCs as well. But now I have told you.

As far as the PC post is concerned, they will do their job just fine. In the wake to strengthen their relationship with PC gamers, they are doing a lot things lately. Doing good ports are just a part of the strategy.


New Member
I think the car customization part and to allow your friends to help you escape cops is exceptionally good. Definitely, Ubisoft is up to something new and it's high time we have something unique in the world of racing. Compared to the past, there is little innovation in gaming in entirety and we need a new experience. The Crew should give it!


It seems to me like racing games are on the right track again, with this game. I don't like most racing games out there, but I'm anticipating this one. The graphics, the open world, and most importantly - the customization! Man, is it going to be a great game, and a turn around in the lowering quality of racing games (Not only do some of them get worse, I expect the quality getting higher along time, so it feels like there's double the bad quality).
Wow. The trailer is looking really good. I would definitely give it a try.

That is seriously impressive. Being able to equip (seemingly) any type of car with suspension that can handle dirt road, better lighting, etc. is awesome. And I had no idea that it was going to be that big of a game. Looking forward to it now.
It's definitely an impressive game - there's no way I won't try it out. I'm very excited for the release since I've been following the developpement for quite some time now.

I haven't played a racing game in too long, this'll revive my interest without a doubt.


Wow bigger than Liberty city in GTA.
That's a bold claim.
Liberty city is f**ING huge.
I have always found that their claims are a bit too Exaggerated to be honest. They promoted AS 3 like it's the next big thing, but was it? It was a semi-open world game which felt really dull. Whether or not they can back up their words, we will find out after trying that game.

Rand paul

I have always found that their claims are a bit too Exaggerated to be honest. They promoted AS 3 like it's the next big thing, but was it? It was a semi-open world game which felt really dull. Whether or not they can back up their words, we will find out after trying that game.

That's pretty pessimistic. You could right though. It wouldn't be the first time we were let down by a game.


That's pretty pessimistic. You could right though. It wouldn't be the first time we were let down by a game.
Yeah, true that. Assassins Creed 3 was a letdown to say the least, but hope they deliver with As 4. They have realized that they can't fool people every time and they need to live up to the fans' expectations.

They have some really amazing games in development right now. Games like The Crew, The Divison, Watch Dogs, AS 4 and according to Jade Raymond, other 5 announced projects. Some of these projects are new IPs. What's amazing is that these 5 announced games are being worked on only at Toronto studio. Monetaral and other studios are working on other projects. So, we could very well see 10-20 games from Ubisoft next year. They need to do well wit all the games though.

Rand paul

I have always found that their claims are a bit too Exaggerated to be honest. They promoted AS 3 like it's the next big thing, but was it? It was a semi-open world game which felt really dull. Whether or not they can back up their words, we will find out after trying that game.
AS3 was as dull as hell.


Well-Known Member
I just saw the trailer and it looks great! I wonder why it somehow went below my radar, and I hardly hear anyone talking about this. It seems like it might be a little more aggressive than Drive Club, which I think would appeal to a lot of people, even me, but I probably would pick up both. I just hope it can still be enjoyable without online gameplay, I think a lot of these games are moving too much into that space.


This game certainly looks intriguing. Definitely going to give it a rental before trying it out and see if they can back up what they advertise. I've always liked Ubisoft so I don't think that I will be disappointed.


I will try to get my hands on this when it gets released for PC. The video looks awesome :D . Thank you for mentioning this OP.